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File metadata and controls

855 lines (713 loc) · 32.6 KB

1 - The DNS protocol

We'll start out by investigating the DNS protocol and use our knowledge thereof to implement a simple client.

Conventionally, DNS packets are sent using UDP transport and are limited to 512 bytes. As we'll see later, both of those rules have exceptions: DNS can be used over TCP as well, and using a mechanism known as eDNS we can extend the packet size. For now, we'll stick to the original specification, though.

DNS is quite convenient in the sense that queries and responses use the same format. This means that once we've written a packet parser and a packet writer, our protocol work is done. This differs from most Internet Protocols, which typically use different request and response structures. On a high level, a DNS packet looks as follows:

Section Size Type Purpose
Header 12 Bytes Header Information about the query/response.
Question Section Variable List of Questions In practice only a single question indicating the query name (domain) and the record type of interest.
Answer Section Variable List of Records The relevant records of the requested type.
Authority Section Variable List of Records An list of name servers (NS records), used for resolving queries recursively.
Additional Section Variable List of Records Additional records, that might be useful. For instance, the corresponding A records for NS records.

Essentially, we have to support three different objects: Header, Question and Record. Conveniently, the lists of records and questions are simply individual instances appended in a row, with no extras. The number of records in each section is provided by the header. The header structure looks as follows:

RFC Name Descriptive Name Length Description
ID Packet Identifier 16 bits A random identifier is assigned to query packets. Response packets must reply with the same id. This is needed to differentiate responses due to the stateless nature of UDP.
QR Query Response 1 bit 0 for queries, 1 for responses.
OPCODE Operation Code 4 bits Typically always 0, see RFC1035 for details.
AA Authoritative Answer 1 bit Set to 1 if the responding server is authoritative - that is, it "owns" - the domain queried.
TC Truncated Message 1 bit Set to 1 if the message length exceeds 512 bytes. Traditionally a hint that the query can be reissued using TCP, for which the length limitation doesn't apply.
RD Recursion Desired 1 bit Set by the sender of the request if the server should attempt to resolve the query recursively if it does not have an answer readily available.
RA Recursion Available 1 bit Set by the server to indicate whether or not recursive queries are allowed.
Z Reserved 3 bits Originally reserved for later use, but now used for DNSSEC queries.
RCODE Response Code 4 bits Set by the server to indicate the status of the response, i.e. whether or not it was successful or failed, and in the latter case providing details about the cause of the failure.
QDCOUNT Question Count 16 bits The number of entries in the Question Section
ANCOUNT Answer Count 16 bits The number of entries in the Answer Section
NSCOUNT Authority Count 16 bits The number of entries in the Authority Section
ARCOUNT Additional Count 16 bits The number of entries in the Additional Section

The question is quite a bit less scary:

Field Type Description
Name Label Sequence The domain name, encoded as a sequence of labels as described below.
Type 2-byte Integer The record type.
Class 2-byte Integer The class, in practice always set to 1.

The tricky part lies in the encoding of the domain name, which we'll return to later.

Finally, we've got the records which are the meat of the protocol. Many record types exists, but for now we'll only consider a few essential. All records have the following preamble:

Field Type Description
Name Label Sequence The domain name, encoded as a sequence of labels as described below.
Type 2-byte Integer The record type.
Class 2-byte Integer The class, in practice always set to 1.
TTL 4-byte Integer Time-To-Live, i.e. how long a record can be cached before it should be requeried.
Len 2-byte Integer Length of the record type specific data.

Now we are all set to look a specific record types, and we'll start with the most essential: the A record, mapping a name to an ip.

Field Type Description
Preamble Record Preamble The record preamble, as described above, with the length field set to 4.
IP 4-byte Integer An IP-address encoded as a four byte integer.

Having gotten this far, let's get a feel for this in practice by performing a lookup using the dig tool:

# dig +noedns

; <<>> DiG 9.10.3-P4-Ubuntu <<>> +noedns
;; global options: +cmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 36383
;; flags: qr rd ra ad; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 1, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 0

;                    IN      A

;; ANSWER SECTION:             204     IN      A

;; Query time: 0 msec
;; WHEN: Wed Jul 06 13:24:19 CEST 2016
;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 44

We're using the +noedns flag to make sure we stick to the original format. There are a few things of note in the output above:

  • We can see that dig explicitly describes the header, question and answer sections of the response packet.
  • The header is using the OPCODE QUERY which corresponds to 0. The status (RESCODE) is set to NOERROR, which is 0 numerically. The id is 36383, and will change randomly with repeated queries. The Query Response (qr), Recursion Desired (rd), Recursion Available (ra) flags are enabled, which are 1 numerically. We can ignore ad for now, since it relates to DNSSEC. Finally, the header tells us that there is one question and one answer record.
  • The question section shows us our question, with the IN indicating the class, and A telling us that we're performing a query for A records.
  • The answer section contains the answer record, with googles IP. 204 is the TTL, IN is again the class, and A is the record type. Finally, we've got the IP-address.
  • The final line tells us that the total packet size was 44 bytes.

There are still some details obscured from view here though, so let's dive deeper still and look at a hexdump of the packets. We can use netcat to listen on a port, and then direct dig to send the query there. In one terminal window we run:

# nc -u -l 1053 > query_packet.txt

Then in another window, do:

# dig +retry=0 -p 1053 @ +noedns

; <<>> DiG 9.10.3-P4-Ubuntu <<>> +retry=0 -p 1053 @ +noedns
; (1 server found)
;; global options: +cmd
;; connection timed out; no servers could be reached

The failure is expected in this case, since dig will timeout when it doesn't receive a response. Since this fails, it exits. At this point netcat can be exited using Ctrl+C. We're left with a query packet in query_packet.txt. We can use our query packet to record a response packet as well:

# nc -u 53 < query_packet.txt > response_packet.txt

Give it a second, and the cancel using Ctrl+C. We are now ready to inspect our packets:

# hexdump -C query_packet.txt
00000000  86 2a 01 20 00 01 00 00  00 00 00 00 06 67 6f 6f  |.*.|
00000010  67 6c 65 03 63 6f 6d 00  00 01 00 01              ||
# hexdump -C response_packet.txt
00000000  86 2a 81 80 00 01 00 01  00 00 00 00 06 67 6f 6f  |.*|
00000010  67 6c 65 03 63 6f 6d 00  00 01 00 01 c0 0c 00 01  ||
00000020  00 01 00 00 01 25 00 04  d8 3a d3 8e              |.....%...:..|

Let's see if we can make some sense of this. We know from earlier that the header is 12 bytes long. For the query packet, the header bytes are: 86 2a 01 20 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 We can see that the last eight bytes corresponds to the length of the different sections, with the only one actually having any content being the question section which holds a single entry. The more interesting part is the first four bytes, which corresponds to the different fields of the header. First off, we know that we've got a 2-byte id, which is supposed to stay the same for both query and answer. Indeed we see that in this example it's set to 86 2a in both hexdumps. The hard part to parse is the remaining two bytes. In order to make sense of them, we'll have to convert them to binary. Starting with the 01 20 of the query packet, we find (with the Most Significant Bit first):

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1  0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
- -+-+-+- - - -  - -+-+- -+-+-+-
Q    O    A T R  R   Z      R
R    P    A C D  A          C
     C                      O
     O                      D
     D                      E

Except for the DNSSEC related bit in the Z section, this is as expected. QR is 0 since its a Query, OPCODE is also 0 since it's a standard lookup, the AA, TC and RA flags isn't relevant for queries while RD is set, since dig defaults to requesting recursive lookup. Finally, RCODE isn't used for queries either.

Moving on to the flag bytes of the response packet 81 80:

1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1  1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
- -+-+-+- - - -  - -+-+- -+-+-+-
Q    O    A T R  R   Z      R
R    P    A C D  A          C
     C                      O
     O                      D
     D                      E

Since this is a response QR is set, and so is RA to indicate that the server do support recursion. Looking at the remaining eight bytes of the reply, we see that in addition to having a single question, we've also got a single answer record.

Immediately past the header, we've got the question. Let's break it down byte by byte:

                    query name              type   class
       -----------------------------------  -----  -----
HEX    06 67 6f 6f 67 6c 65 03 63 6f 6d 00  00 01  00 01
ASCII     g  o  o  g  l  e     c  o  m
DEC    6                    3           0       1      1

As outlined in the table earlier, it consists of three parts: query name, type and class. There's something interesting about the how the name is encoded, though -- there are no dots present. Rather DNS encodes each name into a sequence of labels, with each label prepended by a single byte indicating its length. In the example above, "google" is 6 bytes and is thus preceded by 0x06, while "com" is 3 bytes and is preceded by 0x03. Finally, all names are terminated by a label of zero length, that is a null byte. Seems easy enough, doesn't it? Well, as we shall see soon there's another twist to it.

We've now reached the end of our query packet, but there is some data left to decode in the response packet. The remaining data is a single A record holding the corresponding IP address for

      name     type   class         ttl        len      ip
      ------  ------  ------  --------------  ------  --------------
HEX   c0  0c  00  01  00  01  00  00  01  25  00  04  d8  3a  d3  8e
DEC   192 12    1       1           293         4     216 58  211 142

Most of this is as expected: Type is 1 for A record, Class is 1 for IN, TTL in this case is 293 which seems reasonable, the data length is 4 which is as it should, and finally we learn that the IP of google is What then is going on with the name field? Where are the labels we just learned about?

Due to the original size constraints of DNS, of 512 bytes for a single packet, some type of compression was needed. Since most of the space required is for the domain names, and part of the same name tends to reoccur, there's some obvious space saving opportunity. For example, consider the following DNS query:

# dig com

- snip -

com.                172800  IN  NS
com.                172800  IN  NS
com.                172800  IN  NS
com.                172800  IN  NS
com.                172800  IN  NS
com.                172800  IN  NS
com.                172800  IN  NS
com.                172800  IN  NS
com.                172800  IN  NS
com.                172800  IN  NS
com.                172800  IN  NS
com.                172800  IN  NS
com.                172800  IN  NS

;; ADDITIONAL SECTION: 172800  IN  A 172800  IN  A 172800  IN  AAAA    2001:503:231d::2:30 172800  IN  A 172800  IN  A 172800  IN  A 172800  IN  A 172800  IN  A 172800  IN  AAAA    2001:503:a83e::2:30 172800  IN  A 172800  IN  A 172800  IN  A 172800  IN  A 172800  IN  A 172800  IN  A

- snip -

Here we query one of the internet root servers for the name servers handling the .com TLD. Notice how keeps reappearing -- wouldn't it be convenient if we'd only have to include it once? One way to achieve this is to include a "jump directive", telling the packet parser to jump to another position, and finish reading the name there. As it turns out, that's exactly what we're looking at in our response packet.

I mentioned earlier that each label is preceeded by a single byte length. The additional thing we need to consider is that if the two Most Significant Bits of the length is set, we can instead expect the length byte to be followed by a second byte. These two bytes taken together, and removing the two MSB's, indicate the jump position. In the example above, we've got 0xC00C. The bit pattern of the the two high bits expressed as hex is 0xC000 (in binary 11000000 00000000), so we can find the jump position by xoring our two bytes with this mask to unset them: 0xC00C ^ 0xC000 = 12. Thus we should jump to byte 12 of the packet and read from there. Recalling that the length the DNS header happens to be 12 bytes, we realize that it's instructing us to start reading from where the question part of the packet begins, which makes sense since the question starts with the query domain which in this case is "". Once we've finished reading the name, we resume parsing where we left off, and move on to the record type.


Now finally we know enough to start implementing! The first order of business is that we need some convenient method for manipulating the packets. For this, we'll use a struct called BytePacketBuffer.

pub struct BytePacketBuffer {
    pub buf: [u8; 512],
    pub pos: usize,

impl BytePacketBuffer {

    /// This gives us a fresh buffer for holding the packet contents, and a
    /// field for keeping track of where we are.
    pub fn new() -> BytePacketBuffer {
        BytePacketBuffer {
            buf: [0; 512],
            pos: 0,

    /// Current position within buffer
    fn pos(&self) -> usize {

    /// Step the buffer position forward a specific number of steps
    fn step(&mut self, steps: usize) -> Result<()> {
        self.pos += steps;


    /// Change the buffer position
    fn seek(&mut self, pos: usize) -> Result<()> {
        self.pos = pos;


    /// Read a single byte and move the position one step forward
    fn read(&mut self) -> Result<u8> {
        if self.pos >= 512 {
            return Err("End of buffer".into());
        let res = self.buf[self.pos];
        self.pos += 1;


    /// Get a single byte, without changing the buffer position
    fn get(&mut self, pos: usize) -> Result<u8> {
        if pos >= 512 {
            return Err("End of buffer".into());

    /// Get a range of bytes
    fn get_range(&mut self, start: usize, len: usize) -> Result<&[u8]> {
        if start + len >= 512 {
            return Err("End of buffer".into());
        Ok(&self.buf[start..start + len as usize])

    /// Read two bytes, stepping two steps forward
    fn read_u16(&mut self) -> Result<u16> {
        let res = (( as u16) << 8) | ( as u16);


    /// Read four bytes, stepping four steps forward
    fn read_u32(&mut self) -> Result<u32> {
        let res = (( as u32) << 24)
            | (( as u32) << 16)
            | (( as u32) << 8)
            | (( as u32) << 0);


    /// Read a qname
    /// The tricky part: Reading domain names, taking labels into consideration.
    /// Will take something like [3]www[6]google[3]com[0] and append
    /// to outstr.
    fn read_qname(&mut self, outstr: &mut String) -> Result<()> {
        // Since we might encounter jumps, we'll keep track of our position
        // locally as opposed to using the position within the struct. This
        // allows us to move the shared position to a point past our current
        // qname, while keeping track of our progress on the current qname
        // using this variable.
        let mut pos = self.pos();

        // track whether or not we've jumped
        let mut jumped = false;
        let max_jumps = 5;
        let mut jumps_performed = 0;

        // Our delimiter which we append for each label. Since we don't want a
        // dot at the beginning of the domain name we'll leave it empty for now
        // and set it to "." at the end of the first iteration.
        let mut delim = "";
        loop {
            // Dns Packets are untrusted data, so we need to be paranoid. Someone
            // can craft a packet with a cycle in the jump instructions. This guards
            // against such packets.
            if jumps_performed > max_jumps {
                return Err(format!("Limit of {} jumps exceeded", max_jumps).into());

            // At this point, we're always at the beginning of a label. Recall
            // that labels start with a length byte.
            let len = self.get(pos)?;

            // If len has the two most significant bit are set, it represents a
            // jump to some other offset in the packet:
            if (len & 0xC0) == 0xC0 {
                // Update the buffer position to a point past the current
                // label. We don't need to touch it any further.
                if !jumped {
           + 2)?;

                // Read another byte, calculate offset and perform the jump by
                // updating our local position variable
                let b2 = self.get(pos + 1)? as u16;
                let offset = (((len as u16) ^ 0xC0) << 8) | b2;
                pos = offset as usize;

                // Indicate that a jump was performed.
                jumped = true;
                jumps_performed += 1;

            // The base scenario, where we're reading a single label and
            // appending it to the output:
            else {
                // Move a single byte forward to move past the length byte.
                pos += 1;

                // Domain names are terminated by an empty label of length 0,
                // so if the length is zero we're done.
                if len == 0 {

                // Append the delimiter to our output buffer first.

                // Extract the actual ASCII bytes for this label and append them
                // to the output buffer.
                let str_buffer = self.get_range(pos, len as usize)?;

                delim = ".";

                // Move forward the full length of the label.
                pos += len as usize;

        if !jumped {



Before we move on to the header, we'll add an enum for the values of rescode field:

#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum ResultCode {
    NOERROR = 0,
    FORMERR = 1,
    SERVFAIL = 2,
    NXDOMAIN = 3,
    NOTIMP = 4,
    REFUSED = 5,

impl ResultCode {
    pub fn from_num(num: u8) -> ResultCode {
        match num {
            1 => ResultCode::FORMERR,
            2 => ResultCode::SERVFAIL,
            3 => ResultCode::NXDOMAIN,
            4 => ResultCode::NOTIMP,
            5 => ResultCode::REFUSED,
            0 | _ => ResultCode::NOERROR,


Now we can get to work on the header. We'll represent it like this:

#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct DnsHeader {
    pub id: u16, // 16 bits

    pub recursion_desired: bool,    // 1 bit
    pub truncated_message: bool,    // 1 bit
    pub authoritative_answer: bool, // 1 bit
    pub opcode: u8,                 // 4 bits
    pub response: bool,             // 1 bit

    pub rescode: ResultCode,       // 4 bits
    pub checking_disabled: bool,   // 1 bit
    pub authed_data: bool,         // 1 bit
    pub z: bool,                   // 1 bit
    pub recursion_available: bool, // 1 bit

    pub questions: u16,             // 16 bits
    pub answers: u16,               // 16 bits
    pub authoritative_entries: u16, // 16 bits
    pub resource_entries: u16,      // 16 bits

The implementation involves a lot of bit twiddling:

impl DnsHeader {
    pub fn new() -> DnsHeader {
        DnsHeader {
            id: 0,

            recursion_desired: false,
            truncated_message: false,
            authoritative_answer: false,
            opcode: 0,
            response: false,

            rescode: ResultCode::NOERROR,
            checking_disabled: false,
            authed_data: false,
            z: false,
            recursion_available: false,

            questions: 0,
            answers: 0,
            authoritative_entries: 0,
            resource_entries: 0,

    pub fn read(&mut self, buffer: &mut BytePacketBuffer) -> Result<()> { = buffer.read_u16()?;

        let flags = buffer.read_u16()?;
        let a = (flags >> 8) as u8;
        let b = (flags & 0xFF) as u8;
        self.recursion_desired = (a & (1 << 0)) > 0;
        self.truncated_message = (a & (1 << 1)) > 0;
        self.authoritative_answer = (a & (1 << 2)) > 0;
        self.opcode = (a >> 3) & 0x0F;
        self.response = (a & (1 << 7)) > 0;

        self.rescode = ResultCode::from_num(b & 0x0F);
        self.checking_disabled = (b & (1 << 4)) > 0;
        self.authed_data = (b & (1 << 5)) > 0;
        self.z = (b & (1 << 6)) > 0;
        self.recursion_available = (b & (1 << 7)) > 0;

        self.questions = buffer.read_u16()?;
        self.answers = buffer.read_u16()?;
        self.authoritative_entries = buffer.read_u16()?;
        self.resource_entries = buffer.read_u16()?;

        // Return the constant header size


Before moving on to the question part of the packet, we'll need a way to represent the record type being queried:

#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Debug, Clone, Hash, Copy)]
pub enum QueryType {
    A, // 1

impl QueryType {
    pub fn to_num(&self) -> u16 {
        match *self {
            QueryType::UNKNOWN(x) => x,
            QueryType::A => 1,

    pub fn from_num(num: u16) -> QueryType {
        match num {
            1 => QueryType::A,
            _ => QueryType::UNKNOWN(num),


The enum allows us to easily add more record types later on. Now for the question entries:

#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct DnsQuestion {
    pub name: String,
    pub qtype: QueryType,

impl DnsQuestion {
    pub fn new(name: String, qtype: QueryType) -> DnsQuestion {
        DnsQuestion {
            name: name,
            qtype: qtype,

    pub fn read(&mut self, buffer: &mut BytePacketBuffer) -> Result<()> {
        self.qtype = QueryType::from_num(buffer.read_u16()?); // qtype
        let _ = buffer.read_u16()?; // class


Having done the hard part of reading the domain names as part of our BytePacketBuffer struct, it turns out to be quite compact.


We'll obviously need a way of representing the actual dns records as well, and again we'll use an enum for easy expansion:

#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, PartialOrd, Ord)]
pub enum DnsRecord {
        domain: String,
        qtype: u16,
        data_len: u16,
        ttl: u32,
    }, // 0
    A {
        domain: String,
        addr: Ipv4Addr,
        ttl: u32,
    }, // 1

Since there are many types of records, we'll add the ability to keep track of record types we haven't yet encountered. The enum will also allow us to easily add new records later on. The actual implementation of DnsRecord looks like this:

impl DnsRecord {
    pub fn read(buffer: &mut BytePacketBuffer) -> Result<DnsRecord> {
        let mut domain = String::new();
        buffer.read_qname(&mut domain)?;

        let qtype_num = buffer.read_u16()?;
        let qtype = QueryType::from_num(qtype_num);
        let _ = buffer.read_u16()?;
        let ttl = buffer.read_u32()?;
        let data_len = buffer.read_u16()?;

        match qtype {
            QueryType::A => {
                let raw_addr = buffer.read_u32()?;
                let addr = Ipv4Addr::new(
                    ((raw_addr >> 24) & 0xFF) as u8,
                    ((raw_addr >> 16) & 0xFF) as u8,
                    ((raw_addr >> 8) & 0xFF) as u8,
                    ((raw_addr >> 0) & 0xFF) as u8,

                Ok(DnsRecord::A {
                    domain: domain,
                    addr: addr,
                    ttl: ttl,
            QueryType::UNKNOWN(_) => {
                buffer.step(data_len as usize)?;

                Ok(DnsRecord::UNKNOWN {
                    domain: domain,
                    qtype: qtype_num,
                    data_len: data_len,
                    ttl: ttl,


Finally, let's put it all together in a struct called DnsPacket:

#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct DnsPacket {
    pub header: DnsHeader,
    pub questions: Vec<DnsQuestion>,
    pub answers: Vec<DnsRecord>,
    pub authorities: Vec<DnsRecord>,
    pub resources: Vec<DnsRecord>,

impl DnsPacket {
    pub fn new() -> DnsPacket {
        DnsPacket {
            header: DnsHeader::new(),
            questions: Vec::new(),
            answers: Vec::new(),
            authorities: Vec::new(),
            resources: Vec::new(),

    pub fn from_buffer(buffer: &mut BytePacketBuffer) -> Result<DnsPacket> {
        let mut result = DnsPacket::new();;

        for _ in 0..result.header.questions {
            let mut question = DnsQuestion::new("".to_string(), QueryType::UNKNOWN(0));

        for _ in 0..result.header.answers {
            let rec = DnsRecord::read(buffer)?;
        for _ in 0..result.header.authoritative_entries {
            let rec = DnsRecord::read(buffer)?;
        for _ in 0..result.header.resource_entries {
            let rec = DnsRecord::read(buffer)?;


Putting it all together

Let's use the response_packet.txt we generated earlier to try it out!

fn main() -> Result<()> {
    let mut f = File::open("response_packet.txt")?;
    let mut buffer = BytePacketBuffer::new(); buffer.buf)?;

    let packet = DnsPacket::from_buffer(&mut buffer)?;
    println!("{:#?}", packet.header);

    for q in packet.questions {
        println!("{:#?}", q);
    for rec in packet.answers {
        println!("{:#?}", rec);
    for rec in packet.authorities {
        println!("{:#?}", rec);
    for rec in packet.resources {
        println!("{:#?}", rec);


Running it will print:

DnsHeader {
    id: 34346,
    recursion_desired: true,
    truncated_message: false,
    authoritative_answer: false,
    opcode: 0,
    response: true,
    rescode: NOERROR,
    checking_disabled: false,
    authed_data: false,
    z: false,
    recursion_available: true,
    questions: 1,
    answers: 1,
    authoritative_entries: 0,
    resource_entries: 0
DnsQuestion {
    name: "",
    qtype: A
A {
    domain: "",
    ttl: 293

In the next chapter, we'll add network connectivity: Chapter 2 - Building a stub resolver