A collection of useful functions and libraries written in Not eXactly C. Feel free to fork and submit pull requests. You will be recognized as the author of code which you contribute to or submit.
A collection of generic macros and functions to use in your code. Author: [Shea Bunge][bungeshea] Use: #include "lib.nxc"
Allows you to display text in the center of the NXT screen. Author: [Shea Bunge][bungeshea] Use: #include "CenterText.Lib.nxc"
Prompts the user to enter a number using the NXT buttons Author: [Shea Bunge][bungeshea] Use: #include "ChooseNum.Lib.nxc"
A single function that can display text on every line of the NXT screen. Author: [Shea Bunge][bungeshea] Use: #include "ScreenPrint.Lib.nxc"
[bungeshea]: http://robotics.bungeshea.com