This is my fork of sql.js, by kripken. Try it online here:
sql.js is a port of SQLite to JavaScript, by compiling the SQLite C code with Emscripten. no C bindings or node-gyp compilation here.
SQLite is public domain, sql.js is MIT licensed.
Sql = require 'node-sqlite-purejs' 'db/development.sqlite', {}, (err, db) ->
throw err if err
db.exec '''
/* Demo DB */
CREATE TABLE employees( id integer, name text,
designation text, manager integer,
hired_on date, salary integer,
commission float, dept integer);
INSERT INTO employees VALUES (1,'JOHNSON','ADMIN',6,'12-17-1990',18000,NULL,4);
INSERT INTO employees VALUES (2,'HARDING','MANAGER',9,'02-02-1998',52000,300,3);
INSERT INTO employees VALUES (3,'TAFT','SALES I',2,'01-02-1996',25000,500,3);
INSERT INTO employees VALUES (4,'HOOVER','SALES I',2,'04-02-1990',27000,NULL,3);
INSERT INTO employees VALUES (5,'LINCOLN','TECH',6,'06-23-1994',22500,1400,4);
INSERT INTO employees VALUES (6,'GARFIELD','MANAGER',9,'05-01-1993',54000,NULL,4);
INSERT INTO employees VALUES (7,'POLK','TECH',6,'09-22-1997',25000,NULL,4);
INSERT INTO employees VALUES (8,'GRANT','ENGINEER',10,'03-30-1997',32000,NULL,2);
INSERT INTO employees VALUES (9,'JACKSON','CEO',NULL,'01-01-1990',75000,NULL,4);
INSERT INTO employees VALUES (10,'FILLMORE','MANAGER',9,'08-09-1994',56000,NULL,2);
INSERT INTO employees VALUES (11,'ADAMS','ENGINEER',10,'03-15-1996',34000,NULL,2);
INSERT INTO employees VALUES (12,'WASHINGTON','ADMIN',6,'04-16-1998',18000,NULL,4);
INSERT INTO employees VALUES (13,'MONROE','ENGINEER',10,'12-03-2000',30000,NULL,2);
INSERT INTO employees VALUES (14,'ROOSEVELT','CPA',9,'10-12-1995',35000,NULL,1);
db.exec "SELECT * FROM employees WHERE designation = 'CEO';", (err, results) ->
assert.deepEqual [{"columns":["id","name","designation","manager","hired_on","salary","commission","dept"],"values":[["9","JACKSON","CEO","","01-01-1990","75000","","4"]]}], results
- More recent version of SQLite (3.8.4)
- Compiled to asm.js (should be faster, at least on firefox)
- Changed API. Results now have the form
[{'columns':[], values:[]}]
- Improved GUI of the demo. It now has :
- syntax highlighting
- nice HTML tables to display results
- ability to load and save sqlite database files