problem: What are the best performing products month on month for my business?
users: # not auth, these are 'modes'
- reporting # people looking at overviews
- admin # people creating new products and looking at details
- developer # who made this originally and can be consulted
- transactions
- products
- customers
stories: ## sequences of actions, documents, and results for users
- reporter views report dashboard with drill down options and filters
- admin logs change in product details (CRUD)
- monitoring transactions
- filtering by customer, day, or product
- Reporting
- Transactions
home page can be the dashboard page
- dashboard report
- requests (view)
- transactions
- products
- customers
- blocks
- table with filters for transction
- sales total
- filter by product
- total by customer
- requests (view)
- Admin edit page
- edit products, add new
- edit customers, add new (more detail)
- Transaction stream page
- this should be captured elsewhere and imported in here, expect this to continually update
- want view filters including date, customer, transaction type
- want comment options for this
- colours
- for product types
- for statuses
- blocks for inside the panels
- right side panel:
- search filter
- top right button for admin mode switch
- filter with heading as a link to the page view
- admin mode panel moves to left for make new.
- variable settings (connections and references)
- filter
name: Sales Management Example application
lowdefy: 4.0.0-rc.15 # confirm the version number!
licence: MIT
cli: disableTelemetry: true // not really necessary for now
config: // if we want a login, we should add it in here, else homepage homePageId: welcome
auth: // this is a premium feature, not needed for now
global: _ref: global.yaml
connections: mongodb
- name: ''
- version '' // none needed yet
- Overview
- Customers
- Products
- Transactions Stream