This folder will be dedicated to the Typescript learnings
Javascript that can be scalable is TypeScript
TypeScripts's Type system helps you during the developement (i.e before the codes get compile.) Browsers dont have TS type support.
To compile the TS file
run tsc app.ts
in the terminal.
If we dont wanna run this command frequently we can run a tsc --init
this will create a tscconfig.json file
and after that we can compile using tsc
command only.
If we also dint want to run the tsc command after the tsc --init command ..
We can also use tsc -w or tsc --watch
command and it will auto compile the file.
"noEmitOnError": true ,
in the tsconfig.json file will stopcreating files during the compiling if there is
any error in the TS
function (num: number , str: string , bool: boolean){ //this is how we define number sttring and Boolean
console.log(num , str , bool);
let anyNumber: number = 1 ; // this is not a good practise
let anyNumber: number; // this is recommended
anyNumber = 1;
// const is in nature not re-assignable so
const newNum = 9 ; // here newNum is a type of number that is 9
const owner: {
name: string; // Key_type pair instead of key_value pair
age: number; // We can do this but its recommended not to do this
} = {
name: "Shikhar",
age: 23,
// Let TS do the inference on its own ONLY do inference when the TS is not infering as you want it to be
const owner = {
name: "Shikhar",
age: 23,
const owner = {
name: "Shikhar",
age: 23,
hobbies: ["playing", "biking", "kiting"], //Ts inference will automatically knows its a string[]
let activities: string[];
activities = ["abc", "def", "ghi"]; //we can include no number/object/bool in this
// we can also have arrays of object
Arrays with a fixed length and having exact types can be called as tuples
const owner: {
name: string;
age: number;
roles: [number, string]; // called tuples (array with fixed length and type orderwise)
} = {
name: "Shikhar",
age: 23,
roles: [69, "vns"],
// Only exception in this is that owner.roles.push("newplace") will work (.push method will work)
To create human readable identifiers we use enums The convention of using enum values all-uppercase but it is not a "mustdo"
enums Role { //naming start with capital letter
ATTENDEE, //here value of ADMIN is 0 , ATTENDEE is 1 and soo on
// enums Role { //we can also give enums our own value that we like
// ADMIN = 2,
// ATTENDEE, //Here ADMIN = 2 therefore ATTENDEE = 3 , AUTHOR = 4
// }
// enums Role { //or we can give all enums its own value
// ADMIN = 0,
// ATTENDEE = "abcd",
// AUTHOR = true
// }
const owner = {
name: "Shikhar",
age: 23,
role : Role.ADMIN
console.log(owner.role) // this will be 0
Try to avoid using this . Any takes away all the TS features that it provides.
Suppose when we want to work with more than 1 type in the function or anywhere else we will use union type
function combine(val: string | number, val2: string | number) {
// suppose here we want to work with strings and numbers too
let result;
if (typeof val === "number" && typeof val2 === "number") {
return (result = val + val2);
} else {
return (result = val.toString() + val2.toString());
return result;
To create a custom type of our own we use the type alias
type NumStr = string | number ; // here we have create a own custom type alias
type OwProp = { // a custom type
name: string;
age: number;
roles: [number, string];
const owner : OwProp = {
name : "abcd"
age : 23,
role : [123 , "xyz"]
function combine(val: NumStr , val2: NumStr) {
let result;
if (typeof val === "number" && typeof val2 === "number") {
return (result = val + val2);
} else {
return (result = val.toString() + val2.toString());
return result;
There are two categories of types that can bve returned by the function . The core typeslike
Number , String , Boolean and other is :void or :never
type .
Ts automatically infers the suggested type after writing the function but we can also explictly ask the function that what it shoud return
A function with :never
will never return anything .
We can also assign variable a function type
function add(a: number, b: number): number {
return a + b;
// There will be cases when we want a variable to be assign a function
//let combine ; //here combine is :any which is useless
// we want combine to work as add function , we can do that like this
let combine: (x: number, y: number) => number;
// Combine should be any function which takes 2 parameter (that should be number) and
// should return a number
combine = add;
console.log(combine(7, 8));
// we can also use the same pattern { callbackFunction: (x: number) => void } to pass
// a function as a callbackFunction (Function that are passed as a arguments)
There is also a : unknown
type . It is bit more restrictive than tha :any type.
We have to do the typechecking in a if(typeof val === "string"){ //dosomething}
to proceede
with this
Interface are like types the key difference between both of them is the familiarity (extends) and declaration merging with OOP of interface is more .
Interfaces can only define objects i.e we CANT use union types in interfces.
In Interfaces we can extend the properties by implementing it in a another class
interface Greetable {
name: string;
greet(n: string): void;
// interface Greetable {
//we can also have a readonly feature if we want a property not to change in future
// readonly name: string;
// greet(n: string): void;
// }
class Person implements Greetable {
// this class should have the the properties of name and greet and it can also have other props of its own
name : string ,
age = 30; //other speccial props of Person class
greet (phrase : string){
console.log("Hi my name is" +
//name and greet are compulsary because they are inherited
interface Named {
readonly name: string;
interface Greetable2 extends Named {
greet(n: string): void;
// Interface can also be used as a funcction
interface Add {
(a: number , b: number) : number
// in types we usually do like a arrow
type addFunc = (a: number , b: number) => number;
When we want object to share exact features of it in other classes then we use interfaces .
When you have a preference of choosing the structure of
Union , Primitives , Shorthand Functions , Advanced Type Functions use Type
instead of
// When we have two object types that are intersecting its features like this
type Person = {
address: string;
name: string;
type Employee = {
name: string;
job: string[];
type ElevatedEmployee = Person & Employee;
// then ElevatedEmployee will have combined feature (properties) of person and employee because {};
type Combined = string | number;
type OtherCombine = number | boolean;
type Universal = Combined & OtherCombined; // this will have intersecting feature of number
// Because the number is the type that is common in Combined and OtherCombined
TypeGuard is just use to check where we are getting our desired type or not
if (typeof val === "string") {
// could be string or number or boolean
if ("ObjectPropName" in aObject) {
// do something if the objectPropName property is present in the "aObject"
if (parameterIs instanceof aClassObj) {
//proceede with the code
// We can TypeCast a element using a `as` syntax
ex: (document.querySelector("p") as HTMLInputElement).value = "Hello Bhai";
When the value is unknown and you are expecting a particular type to take out of the info recieved then you can use generic types
Mainly used on Arrays and Promise
const result: Array<string> = [];
const result2: Array<string | number> = [];
const somePromise: Promise<string> = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(() => {
resolve("I am a String");
// if the resolve here will be number or boolean then we will get err while using .then method
}, 2000);
somePromise.then((data) => {
data.split(" "); // this will give err if resolve is not the desired type