Releases: shini4i/argo-watcher
Releases · shini4i/argo-watcher
What's Changed
- chore(goreleaser): automation adjustments by @shini4i in #169
- chore: argo status updater changes by @bozerkins in #168
- chore: migrate code coverage from sonarcloud to codecov by @shini4i in #171
- fix: model migration not null breaks upgrade by @bozerkins in #170
- fix(state): change migrations back to migration library by @bozerkins in #172
- feat: add proof of concept implementation of argo image updater replacement by @shini4i in #173
Full Changelog: v0.6.0-pre.1...v0.6.0-pre.20230830
Docker Images
What's Changed
- chore: refactor automation pt.1 by @shini4i in #149
- chore: refactor automation pt.2 by @shini4i in #150
- chore: increase test coverage by @shini4i in #151
- chore: simplify main function by @shini4i in #154
- chore: improve in-memory ProcessObsoleteTasks and add test by @shini4i in #153
- chore: increase test coverage pt.2 by @shini4i in #155
- chore: increase test coverage pt.3 by @shini4i in #156
- chore: increase test coverage pt.4 by @shini4i in #157
- chore(deps): bump semver from 6.3.0 to 6.3.1 in /web by @dependabot in #159
- chore(deps): bump tough-cookie from 4.0.0 to 4.1.3 in /web by @dependabot in #158
- chore(deps): Bump word-wrap from 1.2.3 to 1.2.4 in /web by @dependabot in #161
- feat(workflows): add basic golangci-lint setup by @shini4i in #162
- chore: argo status updater tests by @bozerkins in #163
- fix(config): correct error handling for envConfig by @shini4i in #165
- chore: orm for postgress by @bozerkins in #166
- feat: goreleaser, multi platform build, cosign by @tomsozolins in #167
New Contributors
- @tomsozolins made their first contribution in #167
Full Changelog: v0.5.0...v0.6.0-pre.1
- Support for in-cluster docker proxy registry
- Dropdown for pagination, which persists over page reload and browser reopen
- Reworked server core to support mocked unit tests
- Logs are now sent in JSON format
- Table style minor improvements
- Rework for item errors in the table. Replace popup with slide-in
- Fix for date-time invalid format breaking the page
- Extensive error handling to communication with ArgoCD
- Display of additional information for predictable errors (app not found, sync failed, health degraded, etc)
- More control over API calls and App status checks
- Debug information regarding ArgoCD API authentication status
- An additional metric is exposed to indicate whether argo-watcher is successfully connected to ArgoCD
- Front-End prettier support. We can run full project format with
npm run format
- ArgoCD connectivity is no longer considered a requirement to keep argo watcher alive
- Front-End API call error handling. Now we monitor each separate API call and display error/success messages for each call type.