Command-line program to download videos from and other video sites
music library manager and MusicBrainz tagger
yewtube, forked from mps-youtube , is a Terminal based YouTube player and downloader. No Youtube API key required.
Awesome & interesting talks about programming
☁️ Python package for interacting with Steam
Curses interface for the daemon of the BitTorrent client Transmission
Elementum add-on for Kodi. Development of this addon has been stopped!
DEPRECATED - Official Python Client for the Discogs API
Scrobbler for that supports VLC, Plex, MPC-HC, and MPV.
Asynchronous Go completion for Neovim. deoplete source for Go.
Integration with Steam for Galaxy
A tool to update freenom's dns records
Jabber-транспорт для ВКонтакте (A jabber gateway to the VK social network)
RetroArch integrations for GOG Galaxy 2.0
origin integration for galaxy
Verify and store checksums in your beets library
In case of any issues please refer to the original repository:
Python daemon that scrobbles watch progress from to
⛔️ DEPRECATED: Access to youtube-dl stream extraction in an XBMC module
Epic integration for GOG Galaxy 2.0. Deprecated since GOG has official integration with EpicGames.
A tool that sits in the background and notifies you using libnotify if a channel you follow comes online or goes offline. Optionally it can only check for offline/online channels once.
Mrim is an Open Source (GPL) XMPP to Transport (aka M-Agent).
A tool to update freenom's dns records