It's time to carry out vk_api & vkbottle. VKWave is here.
from vkwave.bots.easy.easy_bot import GroupBot
bot = SimpleLongPollBot(tokens="MyToken", group_id=123456789)
def handle(_) -> str:
return "Hello world!"
Framework for building high-performance & easy to scale projects interacting with VK's API.
It's built over asyncio and Python's type hints. Minimal required version is 3.7
Our Telegram chat - let's chat
This repostitory contains only core
parts of VKWave. It means that code introduced in this repository is probably low-level
and shouldn't be used directly unless otherwise specified.
VKWave is a most fast library for Python for working with VK's API.
- Client - core part
- API - use VK's API in the most fancy way
- Bots - create awesome bots with ease
- FSM - FSM implementation for VKWave
- Storage - FSM Storage
- Bots utils - keyboards, carousels, ...
- LongPoll - acessing VK's longpoll (user/bot)
VKWave is a young project.
If you want to create addon for VKWave (like fsm
for bots or something like that) you should name your project like that: vkwave-bots-fsm