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  1. Install PostgreSQL 9.4.x

  2. Install Go 1.4.x, git, setup $GOPATH, and PATH=$PATH:$GOPATH/bin

  3. Create PostgreSQL database.

  4. Get the source code.

  5. Run the PostgreSQL migration.

    go get
    migrate -url postgres://$(whoami)@$localhost:5432/$GO_BOOTSTRAP_PROJECT_NAME?sslmode=disable -path ./migrations up
  6. Run the server

    go run main.go

Environment Variables for Configuration

  • HTTP_ADDR: The host and port. Default: ":8888"

  • HTTP_CERT_FILE: Path to cert file. Default: ""

  • HTTP_KEY_FILE: Path to key file. Default: ""

  • HTTP_DRAIN_INTERVAL: How long application will wait to drain old requests before restarting. Default: "1s"

  • DSN: RDBMS database path. Default: postgres://$(whoami)@localhost:5432/$GO_BOOTSTRAP_PROJECT_NAME?sslmode=disable

  • COOKIE_SECRET: Cookie secret for session. Default: Auto generated.

Running Migrations

Migration is handled by a separate project:

Here's a quick tutorial on how to use it. For more details, read the tutorial here.

# Installing the library
go get

# Create a new migration file
migrate -url driver://url -path ./migrations create {filename}

# Migrate all the way up
migrate -url driver://url -path ./migrations up

# Migrate all the way down
migrate -url driver://url -path ./migrations down

# Roll back the most recently applied migration, then run it again.
migrate -url driver://url -path ./migrations redo

# Run down and then up command
migrate -url driver://url -path ./migrations reset

# Show the current migration version
migrate -url driver://url -path ./migrations version

Vendoring Dependencies

Vendoring is handled by a separate project:

Here's a quick tutorial on how to use it. For more details, read the readme here.

# Save all your dependencies after running go get ./...
godep save ./...

# Building with godep
godep go build

# Running tests with godep
godep go test ./...

Running in Vagrant

There are two potential gotchas you need to know when running in Vagrant:

  1. GOPATH is not defined when you ssh into Vagrant. To fix the problem, do export GOPATH=/go immediately after ssh.

  2. PostgreSQL is not installed inside Vagrant. You must connect to your host PostgreSQL. Here's an example on how to run your application inside vagrant while connecting to your host PostgreSQL:

GOPATH=/go DSN=postgres://$(whoami)@$(netstat -rn | grep "^ " | cut -d " " -f10):5432/$PROJECT_NAME?sslmode=disable go run main.go