This directory contains the default templates for transaction emails. Built-in email templates can be edited in Console.
Before making customizations, copy the templates to another directory (e.g. mail-templates
). Note
that, at present, changes made to the template files in this repository will not take effect
automatically. Marketplace owner needs to notify the Sharetribe team.
A template consists of two files:
- holds the mail Subject line templateTEMPLATE_NAME-html.html
- contains the template for the HTML version of the mail
Both parts are mandatory. All emails that are sent from the marketplace contain both the HTML and plain text variants and the recipient's mail client is free to choose which one to visualize and how. The text version is automatically generated from the HTML template.
Templates use Handlebars syntax.
Example html:
<p>Hello {{recipient.first-name}},</p>
<p>Your <em>{{}}</em> account's email address was changed.</p>
<p>If you didn't make this change, please contact us.</p>
<p>Best regards,<br />The {{}} team</p>
<hr />
You have received this email notification because you are a member of {{}}. If
you no longer wish to receive these emails, please contact {{}} team.
Variables within {{ }}
are expanded and escaped, so that they are safe to place inside HTML
content. As seen above, some variables have nested values, which can be accessed with dot .
The template syntax supports conditionals, loops, helpers and other constructs. For details see the Handlebars documentation.
The templates in the list below correspond to mails defined in the default transaction process. Customized transaction processes can have different set of mail templates.
and provider
below mean the corresponding parties in a transaction.
Sent to the customer when the provider accepts a booking and the customer's payment is captured.
Sent to the customer when the provider does not accept the booking within the allowed time and the transaction is automatically declined.
Sent to the customer when the provider manually declines a transaction.
Sent to the provider when a booking's end date has passed and payment is sent to the provider's bank account.
Sent when a customer makes a new booking and preauthorizes payment.
Sent to the customer when the booking end-date has passed and reviews for the transaction can be posted. This mail should prompt the recipient to write a review.
Sent to one of the parties in a transaction when the other party has posted a review and the review has been published (i.e. contents of the review are public).
Sent to one of the parties in a transation when the other party has posted a review but the review is not yet published, because the first party hasn't yet posted their review or the review time has not expired. This mail should prompt the recipient to write their own review.
Sent to the customer when the booking end-date has passed and reviews for the transaction can be posted. This mail should prompt the recipient to write a review.