The Treasury module provides a "pot" of funds that can be managed by stakeholders in the system and a structure for making spending proposals from this pot.
The Treasury Module itself provides the pot to store funds, and a means for stakeholders to propose, approve, and deny expenditures. The chain will need to provide a method (e.g.inflation, fees) for collecting funds.
By way of example, the Council could vote to fund the Treasury with a portion of the block reward and use the funds to pay developers.
- Proposal: A suggestion to allocate funds from the pot to a beneficiary.
- Beneficiary: An account who will receive the funds from a proposal if the proposal is approved.
- Deposit: Funds that a proposer must lock when making a proposal. The deposit will be returned or slashed if the proposal is approved or rejected respectively.
- Pot: Unspent funds accumulated by the treasury module.
General spending/proposal protocol:
- Make a spending proposal and stake the required deposit.reject_proposal
- Reject a proposal, slashing the deposit.approve_proposal
- Accept the proposal, returning the deposit.