ESP32 Oscilloscope for OLED and wireless WEB display
This displays an oscilloscope screen both on a 128x64 OLED and also on the WEB page simultaneusly. The settings are controled by four tactile switches and also on the WEB page. You can view the oscilloscope screen on the WEB browser of the PC or the tablet or the smartphone.
Develop environment is:
Arduino IDE 1.8.19
esp32 by Espressif Systems version 2.0.11
CPU speed 240 MHz
arduinoFFT by Enrique Condes 2.0.0
arduinoWebSockets from
4usec/div range is 10 times magnification at 250ksps.
8usec/div range is 5 times magnification at 250ksps.
20usec/div range is 2 times magnification at 250ksps.
The magnification applies sin(x)/x interpolation.
For WEB operations, edit the source code WebTask.ino and replace your Access Point and the password.
Edit: const char* ssid = "XXXX"; const char* pass = "YYYY"; To: const char* ssid = "Your Access Point"; const char* pass = "Your Password";
Description is here, although it is written in Japanese language: