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Chrome Extensions samples

Official samples for Chrome Extensions and the Chrome Apps platform. Note that Chrome Apps are deprecated—learn more on the Chromium blog.

For more information on extensions, see Chrome Developers.


The directory structure is as follows:

  • api/ - extensions focused on a single API package
  • howto/ - extensions that show how to perform a particular task
  • tutorials/ - multi-step walkthroughs referenced inline in the docs
  • extensions/ - full featured extensions spanning multiple API packages
  • apps/ - deprecated Chrome Apps platform (not listed below)

To experiment with these samples, please clone this repo and use 'Load Unpacked Extension'. Read more on Getting Started.

Sample Calls
My Bookmarks
A browser action with a popup dump of all bookmarks, including search, add, edit and delete.
  • bookmarks.create
  • bookmarks.getTree
  • bookmarks.remove
  • bookmarks.update
  • tabs.create
Page Redder
Make the current page red
  • browserAction.onClicked
  • tabs.executeScript
Print this page
Adds a print button to the browser.
  • browserAction.onClicked
  • tabs.executeScript
A browser action which changes its icon when clicked
Click browser action icon to change color!
  • browserAction.onClicked
  • browserAction.setIcon
  • runtime.onInstalled
  • storage.StorageArea.get
  • storage.StorageArea.set
A browser action with a popup that changes the page color
Change the current page color
  • tabs.executeScript
BrowsingData API: Basics
A trivial usage example.
  • browsingData.remove
Sample Extension Commands extension
Press Ctrl+Shift+F to open the browser action popup, press Ctrl+Shift+Y to send an event.
  • commands.onCommand
Content settings
Shows the content settings for the current site.
  • contentSettings.ContentSetting.get
  • contentSettings.ContentSetting.set
  • tabs.query
Context Menus Sample
Shows some of the features of the Context Menus API
  • contextMenus.create
  • extension.lastError
Context Menus Sample (with Event Page)
Shows some of the features of the Context Menus API using an event page
  • contextMenus.create
  • contextMenus.onClicked
  • extension.lastError
  • runtime.onInstalled
Global Google Search
Use the context menu to search a different country's Google
  • contextMenus.create
  • contextMenus.onClicked
  • contextMenus.remove
  • runtime.onInstalled
  • storage.onChanged
  • storage.StorageArea.get
  • storage.StorageArea.set
  • tabs.create
Cookie API Test Extension
Testing Cookie API
  • browserAction.onClicked
  • cookies.getAll
  • cookies.onChanged
  • cookies.remove
  • extension.getURL
  • tabs.create
  • tabs.update
  • windows.getAll
Live HTTP headers
Displays the live log with the http requests headers
  • browserAction.onClicked
  • debugger.attach
  • debugger.detach
  • debugger.onEvent
  • debugger.sendCommand
  • runtime.lastError
  • windows.create
JavaScript pause/resume
Pauses / resumes JavaScript execution
  • browserAction.onClicked
  • browserAction.setIcon
  • browserAction.setTitle
  • debugger.attach
  • debugger.detach
  • debugger.onDetach
  • debugger.onEvent
  • debugger.sendCommand
  • runtime.lastError
Tab Flipper
Press Ctrl+Shift+Right or Ctrl+Shift+Left (Command+Shift+Right or Command+Shift+Left on a Mac) to flip through window tabs
  • commands.onCommand
  • tabs.query
  • tabs.update
Desktop Capture Example
Show desktop media picker UI
  • desktopCapture.cancelChooseDesktopMedia
  • desktopCapture.chooseDesktopMedia
  • runtime.onMessage
  • runtime.sendMessage
My Devices
A browser action with a popup dump of all devices signed into the same account as the current profile.
  • signedInDevices.get
  • signedInDevices.onDeviceInfoChange
FirePHP for Chrome
Extends the Developer Tools, adding support for parsing FirePHP messages from server
  • extension.onRequest
  • extension.sendRequest
  • tabs.executeScript
Chrome Query
Extends the Developer Tools, adding a sidebar that displays the jQuery data associated with the selected DOM element.
  • devtools.panels.ElementsPanel.createSidebarPane
  • devtools.panels.ElementsPanel.onSelectionChanged
Creates a WiFi Display Session from the captured tab media stream using chrome.displaySource API.
  • displaySource.getAvailableSinks
  • displaySource.onSessionTerminated
  • displaySource.onSinksUpdated
  • displaySource.startSession
  • displaySource.terminateSession
  • extension.getBackgroundPage
  • runtime.lastError
  • runtime.onMessage
  • runtime.sendMessage
  • tabCapture.capture
  • tabs.getCurrent
Document Scanning API Sample
  • documentScan.scan
  • permissions.contains
  • permissions.request
  • runtime.lastError
Download Filename Controller
Download Filename Controller
  • downloads.onDeterminingFilename
Download Selected Links
Select links on a page and download them.
  • extension.onRequest
  • extension.sendRequest
  • tabs.executeScript
  • tabs.query
  • windows.getCurrent
Download Manager Button
Browser Action Download Manager User Interface for Google Chrome
  • browserAction.setIcon
  • downloads.acceptDanger
  • downloads.cancel
  • downloads.erase
  • downloads.getFileIcon
  • downloads.onChanged
  • downloads.onCreated
  • downloads.onErased
  • downloads.pause
  • downloads.removeFile
  • downloads.resume
  • downloads.setShelfEnabled
  • downloads.showDefaultFolder
  • i18n.getMessage
  • permissions.contains
  • permissions.request
  • runtime.onMessage
  • runtime.sendMessage
  • tabs.create
Download and Open Button
Download and Open Context Menu Button
  • contextMenus.create
  • contextMenus.onClicked
  • downloads.onChanged
  • i18n.getMessage
Downloads Overwrite Existing Files
All downloads overwrite existing files instead of adding ' (1)', ' (2)', etc.
  • downloads.onDeterminingFilename
Event Page Example
Demonstrates usage and features of the event page
  • alarms.create
  • alarms.onAlarm
  • bookmarks.onRemoved
  • browserAction.onClicked
  • browserAction.setBadgeText
  • commands.onCommand
  • declarativeWebRequest.RedirectRequest
  • declarativeWebRequest.RequestMatcher
  • runtime.onInstalled
  • runtime.onMessage
  • runtime.onSuspend
  • runtime.sendMessage
  • tabs.create
  • tabs.executeScript
  • tabs.query
  • tabs.sendMessage
extension.isAllowedFileSchemeAccess and extension.isAllowedIncognitoAccess Example
Demonstrates the extension.isAllowedFileSchemeAccess and extesion.isAllowedIncognitoAccess APIs
  • extension.isAllowedFileSchemeAccess
  • extension.isAllowedIncognitoAccess
Fake Archive Handler App
Demonstrate File System Provider API usage for apps.
  • fileSystemProvider.get
  • fileSystemProvider.mount
  • fileSystemProvider.onCloseFileRequested
  • fileSystemProvider.onGetMetadataRequested
  • fileSystemProvider.onOpenFileRequested
  • fileSystemProvider.onReadDirectoryRequested
  • fileSystemProvider.onReadFileRequested
  • fileSystemProvider.onUnmountRequested
  • fileSystemProvider.unmount
  • runtime.lastError
  • runtime.onStartup
  • runtime.onSuspend
  • storage.StorageArea.get
  • storage.StorageArea.set
File System Provider API Extension Example
Demonstrate features of the API like mounting, listing directories, etc for extensions.
  • fileSystemProvider.mount
  • fileSystemProvider.onCloseFileRequested
  • fileSystemProvider.onGetMetadataRequested
  • fileSystemProvider.onMountRequested
  • fileSystemProvider.onOpenFileRequested
  • fileSystemProvider.onReadDirectoryRequested
  • fileSystemProvider.onReadFileRequested
  • fileSystemProvider.onUnmountRequested
  • fileSystemProvider.unmount
  • runtime.lastError
Advanced Font Settings
Customize per-script font settings.
  • fontSettings.clearDefaultFixedFontSize
  • fontSettings.clearDefaultFontSize
  • fontSettings.clearFont
  • fontSettings.clearMinimumFontSize
  • fontSettings.getDefaultFixedFontSize
  • fontSettings.getDefaultFontSize
  • fontSettings.getFont
  • fontSettings.getFontList
  • fontSettings.getMinimumFontSize
  • fontSettings.onDefaultFixedFontSizeChanged
  • fontSettings.onDefaultFontSizeChanged
  • fontSettings.onFontChanged
  • fontSettings.onMinimumFontSizeChanged
  • fontSettings.setDefaultFixedFontSize
  • fontSettings.setDefaultFontSize
  • fontSettings.setFont
  • fontSettings.setMinimumFontSize
History Override
Overrides the History Page
  • history.deleteAll
  • history.deleteUrl
Typed URL History
Reads your history, and shows the top ten pages you go to by typing the URL.
  • history.getVisits
  • tabs.create
Displays the language of a tab
  • browserAction.setBadgeText
  • tabs.detectLanguage
  • tabs.onSelectionChanged
  • tabs.onUpdated
  • tabs.query
Detect Language
Detects up to 3 languages and their percentages of the provided string
  • i18n.detectLanguage
Returns accept languages of the browser
  • i18n.getAcceptLanguages
  • i18n.getMessage
Minimal Localized Hosted App
This is the minimal set of data required to upload a localized hosted application to the web store.
    Idle - Simple Example
    Demonstrates the Idle API
    • browserAction.onClicked
    • extension.getBackgroundPage
    • idle.onStateChanged
    • idle.queryState
    Test IME
    A simple IME that converts all keystrokes to upper case.
    • input.ime
    • input.ime.commitText
    • input.ime.onActivate
    • input.ime.onBlur
    • input.ime.onDeactivated
    • input.ime.onFocus
    • input.ime.onKeyEvent
    Message Timer
    Times how long it takes to send a message to a content script and back.
    • runtime.onConnect
    • runtime.onMessage
    • tabs.connect
    • tabs.query
    • tabs.sendMessage
    Native Messaging Example
    Send a message to a native application.
    • runtime.connectNative
    Notification Demo
    Shows off desktop notifications, which are "toast" windows that pop up on the desktop.
      Omnibox New Tab Search
      Type 'nt' plus a search term into the Omnibox to open search in new tab.
      • omnibox.onInputEntered
      • tabs.create
      Omnibox Example
      To use, type 'omnix' plus a search term into the Omnibox.
      • omnibox.onInputChanged
      • omnibox.onInputEntered
      Blank new tab page
      Override the new tab page with a blank one
        iGoogle new tab page
        Override the new tab page with iGoogle
          Page action by content
          Shows a page action for HTML pages containing a video
          • declarativeContent.PageStateMatcher
          • declarativeContent.ShowPageAction
          • runtime.onInstalled
          Page action by URL
          Shows a page action for urls which have the letter 'g' in them.
          • declarativeContent.PageStateMatcher
          • declarativeContent.ShowPageAction
          • runtime.onInstalled
          Animated Page Action
          This extension adds an animated browser action to the toolbar.
          • pageAction.hide
          • pageAction.onClicked
          • pageAction.setIcon
          • pageAction.setTitle
          • tabs.onSelectionChanged
          • tabs.query
          Top Chrome Extension Questions
          Sample demonstration of the optional permissions API.
          • permissions.contains
          • permissions.onAdded
          • permissions.onRemoved
          • permissions.remove
          • permissions.request
          • tabs.create
          Keep Awake
          Override system power-saving settings.
          • browserAction.onClicked
          • browserAction.setIcon
          • browserAction.setTitle
          • i18n.getMessage
          • power.releaseKeepAwake
          • power.requestKeepAwake
          • runtime.onInstalled
          • runtime.onStartup
          • storage.StorageArea.get
          • storage.StorageArea.set
          Block/allow third-party cookies API example extension
          Sample extension which demonstrates how to access a preference.
          • extension.isAllowedIncognitoAccess
          Block/allow referrer API example extension
          Sample extension which demonstrates how to access a preference.
          • extension.isAllowedIncognitoAccess
          Print Extension
          Sends print job directly to the printers installed on the Chromebook
          • printing.getPrinterInfo
          • printing.getPrinters
          • printing.submitJob
          • runtime.lastError
          Print Job History
          Reads your print history and displays the recent print jobs.
          • browserAction.setBadgeText
          • printingMetrics.getPrintJobs
          • printingMetrics.onPrintJobFinished
          • storage.StorageArea.get
          • storage.StorageArea.set
          Process Monitor
          Adds a browser action that monitors resource usage of all browser processes.
          • processes.onUpdatedWithMemory
          • processes.terminate
          Show Tabs in Process
          Adds a browser action showing which tabs share the current tab's process.
          • processes.getProcessIdForTab
          • tabs.query
          • tabs.update
          • windows.getAll
          • windows.getCurrent
          • windows.update
          Spruce up your pages with custom CSS.
          • extension.getURL
          • runtime.lastError
          • storage.local
          • storage.StorageArea.clear
          • storage.StorageArea.get
          • storage.StorageArea.remove
          • storage.StorageArea.set
          • tabs.insertCSS
          Tab Capture Example
          Capture a tab and play in a
          • browserAction.onClicked
          • storage.StorageArea.get
          • storage.StorageArea.set
          • tabCapture.capture
          • tabCapture.getMediaStreamId
          Tab Inspector
          Utility for working with the extension tabs api
          • browserAction.onClicked
          • extension.getURL
          • tabs.create
          • tabs.get
          • tabs.getAllInWindow
          • tabs.move
          • tabs.onAttached
          • tabs.onCreated
          • tabs.onDetached
          • tabs.onMoved
          • tabs.onRemoved
          • tabs.onSelectionChanged
          • tabs.onUpdated
          • tabs.query
          • tabs.remove
          • tabs.update
          • windows.create
          • windows.get
          • windows.getAll
          • windows.getCurrent
          • windows.getLastFocused
          • windows.onCreated
          • windows.onFocusChanged
          • windows.onRemoved
          • windows.remove
          • windows.update
          Keyboard Pin
          Creates a keyboard shortcut (Alt + Shift + P) to toggle the pinned state of the currently selected tab
          • commands.onCommand
          • tabs.query
          • tabs.update
          Test Screenshot Extension
          Demonstrate screenshot functionality in the chrome.tabs api.
          • browserAction.onClicked
          • extension.getURL
          • extension.getViews
          • tabs.captureVisibleTab
          • tabs.create
          • tabs.onUpdated
          Tabs Zoom API Demo
          This extension allows the user to explore features of the new tabs zoom api.
          • runtime.lastError
          • tabs.getZoom
          • tabs.getZoomSettings
          • tabs.onZoomChange
          • tabs.query
          • tabs.setZoom
          • tabs.setZoomSettings
          Top Sites
          Shows the top sites in a browser action
          • tabs.create
          • topSites.get
          NTP prototyping extension
          extension to prototype new NTP designs
          • topSites.get
          Console TTS Engine
          A "silent" TTS engine that prints text to a small window rather than synthesizing speech.
          • extension.getViews
          • ttsEngine.onSpeak
          • ttsEngine.onStop
          • windows.create
          • windows.getCurrent
          • windows.onRemoved
          Drink Water Event Popup
          Demonstrates usage and features of the event page by reminding user to drink water
          • alarms.clearAll
          • alarms.create
          • alarms.onAlarm
          • browserAction.setBadgeText
          • notifications.create
          • notifications.onButtonClicked
          • storage.StorageArea.get
          • storage.StorageArea.set
          WebNavigation Tech Demo
          Demonstration of the WebNavigation extension API.
          • i18n.getMessage
          • runtime.onMessage
          • runtime.onStartup
          • runtime.sendMessage
          • storage.StorageArea.get
          • storage.StorageArea.set
          • webNavigation.onBeforeNavigate
          • webNavigation.onCommitted
          • webNavigation.onCompleted
          • webNavigation.onCreatedNavigationTarget
          • webNavigation.onErrorOccurred
          • webNavigation.onHistoryStateUpdated
          • webNavigation.onReferenceFragmentUpdated
          Webview transparency
          Sample of the webview.captureVisibleRegion api
            WebView Extension Communications Demo: App
            • runtime.connect
            WebView Extension Communications Demo: Extension
            Provides content scripts to an app hosting a WebView.
            • runtime.onConnectExternal
            Merge Windows
            Merges all of the browser's windows into the current window
            • browserAction.onClicked
            • tabs.getAllInWindow
            • tabs.move
            • windows.getAll
            • windows.getCurrent
            Simple Background App
              A simple calculator.
                App Launcher
                Get access to your apps in a browser action
                • extension.getURL
                • management.getAll
                • management.launchApp
                • tabs.create
                Chromium Buildbot Monitor
                Displays the status of the Chromium buildbot in the toolbar. Click to see more detailed status in a popup.
                • browserAction.setBadgeBackgroundColor
                • browserAction.setBadgeText
                • browserAction.setTitle
                • extension.getBackgroundPage
                • extension.getURL
                • extension.getViews
                • storage.StorageArea.get
                • storage.StorageArea.set
                Google Calendar Checker (by Google)
                Quickly see the time until your next meeting from any of your calendars. Click on the button to be taken to your calendar.
                • browserAction.onClicked
                • browserAction.setBadgeBackgroundColor
                • browserAction.setBadgeText
                • i18n.getMessage
                • management.uninstallSelf
                • notifications.clear
                • notifications.create
                • notifications.onButtonClicked
                • notifications.onClicked
                • runtime.getURL
                • runtime.onInstalled
                • tabs.create
                I can't has cheezburger!
                • webRequest.onBeforeRequest
                Moar cats!
                • declarativeWebRequest.IgnoreRules
                • declarativeWebRequest.RedirectRequest
                • declarativeWebRequest.RequestMatcher
                • runtime.lastError
                • runtime.onInstalled
                Chromium Search
                Add support to the omnibox to search the Chromium source code.
                • omnibox.onInputCancelled
                • omnibox.onInputChanged
                • omnibox.onInputEntered
                • omnibox.onInputStarted
                • omnibox.setDefaultSuggestion
                • tabs.query
                • tabs.update
                Constant Context
                Highlights elements with keywords on
                • declarativeContent.PageStateMatcher
                • declarativeContent.ShowPageAction
                • runtime.onInstalled
                • storage.StorageArea.clear
                • storage.StorageArea.get
                • storage.StorageArea.set
                • tabs.executeScript
                Download Images
                Displays all webpage images and allows user to download
                • declarativeContent.PageStateMatcher
                • declarativeContent.ShowPageAction
                • runtime.lastError
                • runtime.onInstalled
                • storage.StorageArea.get
                • storage.StorageArea.set
                • tabs.create
                • tabs.executeScript
                Email this page (by Google)
                This extension adds an email button to the toolbar which allows you to email the page link using your default mail client or Gmail.
                • browserAction.onClicked
                • runtime.connect
                • runtime.onConnect
                • tabs.create
                • tabs.executeScript
                • tabs.update
                Chrome Sounds
                Enjoy a more magical and immersive experience when browsing the web using the power of sound.
                • bookmarks.onCreated
                • bookmarks.onMoved
                • bookmarks.onRemoved
                • extension.getBackgroundPage
                • extension.onRequest
                • extension.sendRequest
                • tabs.get
                • tabs.onAttached
                • tabs.onCreated
                • tabs.onDetached
                • tabs.onMoved
                • tabs.onRemoved
                • tabs.onSelectionChanged
                • tabs.onUpdated
                • windows.onCreated
                • windows.onFocusChanged
                • windows.onRemoved
                Google Document List Viewer
                Demonstrates how to use OAuth to connect the Google Documents List Data API.
                • extension.getBackgroundPage
                • extension.getURL
                • tabs.create
                • tabs.onUpdated
                • tabs.query
                • tabs.remove
                Google Mail Checker
                Displays the number of unread messages in your Google Mail inbox. You can also click the button to open your inbox.
                • alarms.create
                • alarms.get
                • alarms.onAlarm
                • browserAction.onClicked
                • browserAction.setBadgeBackgroundColor
                • browserAction.setBadgeText
                • browserAction.setIcon
                • i18n.getMessage
                • runtime.onInstalled
                • runtime.onStartup
                • runtime.onStartup
                • tabs.create
                • tabs.getAllInWindow
                • tabs.onUpdated
                • tabs.update
                • webNavigation.onDOMContentLoaded
                • webNavigation.onDOMContentLoaded
                • webNavigation.onReferenceFragmentUpdated
                • webNavigation.onReferenceFragmentUpdated
                • windows.onCreated
                Get image info for images, including EXIF data
                • contextMenus.create
                • tabs.getCurrent
                • windows.create
                • windows.update
                Chromium IRC App
                  Managed Bookmarks
                  Adds bookmarks configured by your system administrator to Chrome.
                  • bookmarks.create
                  • bookmarks.getChildren
                  • bookmarks.move
                  • bookmarks.onChanged
                  • bookmarks.onMoved
                  • bookmarks.onRemoved
                  • bookmarks.remove
                  • bookmarks.removeTree
                  • bookmarks.update
                  • runtime.onInstalled
                  • storage.StorageArea.get
                  • storage.StorageArea.set
                  • storage.StorageArea.get
                  • storage.onChanged
                  Finds addresses in the web page you're on and pops up a map window.
                  • pageAction.setTitle
                  • runtime.onMessage
                  • runtime.sendMessage
                  • storage.StorageArea.get
                  • storage.StorageArea.set
                  Google Maps
                    News Reader (by Google)
                    Displays the latest stories from Google News in a popup.
                    • extension.getURL
                    • i18n.getMessage
                    • tabs.create
                    News Reader
                    Displays the first 5 items from the 'Google News - top news' RSS feed in a popup.
                    • tabs.create
                    News Reader
                    Displays the first 5 items from the '$Google$ News - top news' RSS feed in a popup.
                      No Cookies
                      Removes 'Cookie' and 'Set-Cookie' headers.
                      • webRequest.onBeforeSendHeaders
                      • webRequest.onHeadersReceived
                      Sample - OAuth Contacts
                      Uses OAuth to connect to Google's contacts service and display a list of your contacts.
                      • browserAction.onClicked
                      • browserAction.setIcon
                      • extension.getBackgroundPage
                      • extension.getURL
                      • tabs.create
                      • tabs.onUpdated
                      • tabs.query
                      • tabs.remove
                      Optional Permissions New Tab
                      Demonstrates optional permissions in extensions
                      • permissions.contains
                      • permissions.request
                      • storage.StorageArea.get
                      • storage.StorageArea.set
                      • topSites.get
                      Per-plugin content settings
                      Customize your content setting for different plugins.
                      • contentSettings.plugins
                      • contentSettings.ContentSetting.clear
                      • contentSettings.ContentSetting.getResourceIdentifiers
                      • contentSettings.ContentSetting.set
                      • i18n.getMessage
                      • runtime.lastError
                      Proxy Extension API Sample
                      Set Chrome-specific proxies; a demonstration of Chrome's Proxy API
                      • browserAction.setBadgeBackgroundColor
                      • browserAction.setBadgeText
                      • browserAction.setTitle
                      • extension.isAllowedIncognitoAccess
                      • extension.onRequest
                      • extension.sendRequest
                      • i18n.getMessage
                      • proxy.onProxyError
                      • runtime.lastError
                      Speak Selection
                      Speaks the current selection out loud.
                      • browserAction.onClicked
                      • browserAction.setIcon
                      • extension.getURL
                      • extension.onRequest
                      • extension.sendRequest
                      • tabs.create
                      • tabs.executeScript
                      • tabs.sendRequest
                      • tts.getVoices
                      • tts.speak
                      • tts.stop
                      • windows.getAll
                      Talking Alarm Clock
                      A clock with two configurable alarms that will play a sound and speak a phrase of your choice.
                      • browserAction.setIcon
                      • runtime.connect
                      • runtime.onConnect
                      • tts.getVoices
                      • tts.speak
                      • tts.stop
                      TTS Debug
                      Tool for developers of Chrome TTS engine extensions to help them test their engines are implementing the API correctly.
                      • tts.getVoices
                      • tts.speak
                      • tts.stop
                      TTS Demo
                      Demo Chrome's synthesized text-to-speech capabilities.
                      • runtime.lastError
                      • tts.getVoices
                      • tts.isSpeaking
                      • tts.speak
                      • tts.stop
                      Sandboxed Frame
                      Demonstrate use of handlebars inside a sandboxed frame
                      • browserAction.onClicked
                      Tab Shortcuts
                      Allows pinning and duplication of tabs via keyboard shortcuts.
                      • commands.onCommand
                      • tabs.duplicate
                      • tabs.update
                      Event Tracking with Google Analytics
                      A sample extension which uses Google Analytics to track usage.
                        Broken Background Color
                        Fix an Extension!
                        • declarativeContent.PageStateMatcher
                        • declarativeContent.ShowPageAction
                        • storage.StorageArea.get
                        • storage.StorageArea.set
                        • tabs.executeScript
                        Getting Started Example
                        Build an Extension!
                        • runtime.onInstalled
                        • storage.StorageArea.get
                        • storage.StorageArea.set
                        Getting Started Example
                        Build an Extension!
                        • declarativeContent.PageStateMatcher
                        • declarativeContent.ShowPageAction
                        • runtime.onInstalled
                        • storage.StorageArea.get
                        • storage.StorageArea.set
                        • tabs.executeScript
                        • tabs.query
                        Getting started example
                        This extension allows the user to change the background color of the current page.
                        • runtime.lastError
                        • storage.local
                        • storage.sync
                        • storage.StorageArea.get
                        • storage.StorageArea.set
                        • tabs.executeScript
                        • tabs.query
                        Hello Extensions
                        Base Level Extension
                          OAuth Tutorial FriendBlock
                          Uses OAuth to connect to Google's People API and display contacts photos.
                          • browserAction.onClicked
                          • identity.getAuthToken
                          • tabs.create
                          OAuth Tutorial FriendBlock
                          Uses OAuth to connect to Google's People API and display contacts photos.
                          • browserAction.onClicked
                          • identity.getAuthToken
                          • tabs.create


                          No releases published


                          No packages published


                          • JavaScript 82.4%
                          • HTML 10.0%
                          • CSS 4.8%
                          • C++ 1.4%
                          • Perl 0.5%
                          • C 0.3%
                          • Other 0.6%