Updated readme to recommend installing the latest version
Updated readme to recommend installing the latest version
V0.1.6: Bug fix, the mean stat code did not function correctly
V0.1.6: Bug fix, the mean stat code did not function correctly
created a new release to fix the issue with sklearn changing name to …
created a new release to fix the issue with sklearn changing name to …
fixed a bug in suppressing verbosity
fixed a bug in suppressing verbosity
created a new release to test the automation scripts
created a new release to test the automation scripts
adding automation script to push the repository to PYPI upon creation…
adding automation script to push the repository to PYPI upon creation…
added support for computing a mean statistic along each edge (e.g. ca…
added support for computing a mean statistic along each edge (e.g. ca…
added the functionality to disable css logs
added the functionality to disable css logs