Vim-fork focused on extensibility and usability
Vundle, the plug-in manager for Vim
surround.vim: Delete/change/add parentheses/quotes/XML-tags/much more with ease
Syntax checking hacks for vim
True Sublime Text style multiple selections for Vim
Fuzzy file, buffer, mru, tag, etc finder.
ctrlpvim / ctrlp.vim
Forked from kien/ctrlp.vimActive fork of kien/ctrlp.vim—Fuzzy file, buffer, mru, tag, etc finder.
sensible.vim: Defaults everyone can agree on
Vim plugin for intensely nerdy commenting powers
Vim plugin for the Perl module / CLI script 'ack'
Next generation Vim package manager
garbas / vim-snipmate
Forked from msanders/snipmate.vimsnipMate.vim aims to be a concise vim script that implements some of TextMate's snippets features in Vim.
rking / ag.vim
Forked from mileszs/ack.vimVim plugin for the_silver_searcher, 'ag', a replacement for the Perl module / CLI script 'ack'
A Vim plugin to make it stand well with input methods (Mac only)
jinja plugins for vim (syntax and indent)