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About |
![]({{ site.baseurl }}blog/assets/fredrik.jpg)
Throughout the years I have been spending my professional life within the digital domain of creativity; from web site design/development to 3D animation and digital visual effects for feature films. With 15+ years of hands on experience within the field of computer graphics, including co-founding Filmgate, having catered to clients and coached production teams in the ad agency world as well as having developed several graphics pipelines, I now take part in the extraordinary team of talent at Industriromantik as a multi-disciplinary creative and Technical Director.
E-mail: fredrik.averpil [at]
Twitter: [{{ site.twitter.username }}]({{ site.twitter.url }})
Mobile: +46.708.12.12.75
This blog is based on the excellent [Hyde]({{ site.hyde_repo }}) theme (v{{ site.hyde_version }}) for Poole, running on Github Pages but with some modifications:
- Tags
- Post archive
- Footnotes (because kramdown)
- Excerpts on index page
- Pinch and zoom on touch devices
- Video embeds with fluidvids.js
- Rouge syntax highlighter
- Google Analytics
- Comments (option to use Google+, Disqus or Livefyre)
- Switch to https if accessing site through http
- Jekyll SEO
The source code for this blog is available [here]({{ site.github.repo }}).