TestedAvatar Public
Forked from benjaminsnorris/TestedAvatarSample project to show how easy it is to add unit and UI tests
Swift MIT License UpdatedJul 21, 2016 -
Pair Public
Forked from DevMountain/PairIn response to [Christopher Burke's answer](http://qr.ae/RCI2cL) to the question 'What is the difference between a programmer, a good programmer, and a great programmer?' we have built this technic…
MIT License UpdatedJul 8, 2016 -
Journal-C Public
Forked from DevMountain/Journal-C[Objective-C] Students will build a simple Journal app to practice MVC separation, protocols, master-detail interfaces, table views, and persistence.
UpdatedJun 1, 2016 -
Calculator Public
Forked from DevMountain/CalculatorA reverse polish notation calculator that demonstrates auto layout, stacks, target-actions on UIButtons
Swift UpdatedMay 31, 2016 -
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