This is solidity contracts for Fluence DAO. For DAO it uses OpenZeppelin contracts with modifications.
- timelock DAO governor based on TimelockControllerUpgradeable and GovernorUpgradeable (OpenZeppelin contracts).
- everyone could execute a proposal
- veto power: Finally CANCELLER_ROLE is granted to
contract &Fluence Multisig
. Veto could be applied after proposal is queued to execute (before it is executed). - LBP Vesting with moving funds after specified time to Uniswap (TODO: write more precisely)
- 3 Vesting Contract with Delayed Start:
- 2 to use different configs between Fluence team and investors
- 1 with Voting
- 0003_DevRewardDistributor.ts (TODO: write more precisely)
- FluenceToken based on ERC20VotesUpgradeable (OpenZeppelin) for the DAO purposes.
TODO: add other options like: threshold not reached, etc.
actor user
box Fluence Contracts
participant Governor
participant Executor as Executor (TimelockController)
participant FluenceMultisig
user -->> Governor: propose (..., data, description)
loop wait voting deplay
Governor ->> Governor: wait for votingDelay()
user -->> Governor: castVote (proposalId, {Against, For, Abstain})
Note over user,Governor: ...other votes...
loop wait voting period
Governor ->> Governor: wait for votingPeriod()
user -->>+ Governor: queue (..., data, description)
Governor ->>- Executor: scheduleBatch(..., data, salt [based on description])
opt veto
FluenceMultisig -->> Executor: cancel (..., data, description)
loop wait minDelay
Executor ->> Executor: wait for minDelay()
alt no veto
user -->>+ Governor: execute(..., data, description)
Governor ->>- Executor: check status
alt veto
user -->>+ Governor: execute(..., data, description)
Governor -x- Executor: check status: cancelled
Deploy Flow according to deploy scripts.
actor deployer
box Fluence Contracts
participant FluenceToken
participant LPController
participant Uniswap
participant DevRewardDistributor
participant FluenceVesting
participant InvestorsVesting
participant TeamVesting as Vesting with Voting
participant Executor as Executor (TimelockController)
participant Governor
participant FluenceMultisig
alt 0000_FluenceToken.ts
deployer ->> FluenceToken: deploy (totalSupply)
Note over FluenceToken: Owner: deployer
FluenceToken -->> deployer: mint (totalSupply)
alt 0001_Executor.ts
deployer ->> Executor: deploy (minDelay)
Note over Executor: Admin Role: deployer, Executor Role: [0x0]
alt 0002_LPController.ts
deployer ->>+ LPController: deploy (...Uniswap, balancer, Executor, FluenceToken, token, weights...)
Note over LPController: Owner: deployer, Withdraw address: Executor
LPController ->>- Uniswap:
Note over Uniswap: Recipient: Executor
alt 0003_DevRewardDistributor.ts
deployer ->> DevRewardDistributor: deploy (FluenceToken, Executor, merkle root, halvePeriod, initialReward, claimingPeriod)
Note over DevRewardDistributor: unclaimed reward receiver: Executor
deployer ->>+ FluenceToken: transfer (totalRewards) to DevRewardDistributor
FluenceToken ->>- DevRewardDistributor: transfer (totalRewards)
alt Vesting
alt 0004_FluenceVesting.ts
deployer ->> FluenceVesting: deploy (FluenceToken, cliffDuration , vestingDuration , accounts , amounts)
deployer ->>+ FluenceToken: transfer (totalAmounts) to FluenceVesting
FluenceToken ->>- FluenceVesting: transfer (totalAmounts)
Note over FluenceVesting: could transfer(0x00, amount) to release FluenceToken for accounts accordingly: accounts
alt 0005_InvestorsVesting.ts
deployer ->> InvestorsVesting: deploy (FluenceToken, cliffDuration , vestingDuration , accounts , amounts)
deployer ->>+ FluenceToken: transfer (totalAmounts) to FluenceVesting
FluenceToken ->>- InvestorsVesting: transfer (totalAmounts)
Note over InvestorsVesting: could transfer(0x00, amount) to release FluenceToken for accounts accordingly: accounts
alt 0006_TeamVesting.ts
deployer ->> TeamVesting: deploy (FluenceToken, cliffDuration , vestingDuration , accounts , amounts)
deployer ->>+ FluenceToken: transfer (totalAmounts) to FluenceVesting
FluenceToken ->>- TeamVesting: transfer (totalAmounts)
Note over TeamVesting: could transfer(0x00, amount) to release FluenceToken for accounts accordingly: accounts
alt 0007_Governor.ts
deployer ->> Governor: deploy (FluenceToken, TeamVesting, Executor, quorum, initialVotingDelay, initialVotingPeriod, initialProposalThreshold)
deployer ->> Executor: grantRole(RPROPOSER_ROLE, Governor)
deployer ->> Executor: grantRole(CANCELLER_ROLE, Governor)
deployer ->> Executor: grantRole(CANCELLER_ROLE, FluenceMultisig)
deployer ->> Executor: revokeRole(ADMIN_ROLE, deployer)
deployer ->>+ FluenceToken: transfer (balance) to Governor
FluenceToken ->>- Executor: transfer (balance)
FluenceToken ->> Executor: transferOwnership(Executor)
Note over Governor: Owner: Executor
Note over FluenceToken: Owner: Executor
Note over Executor: Admin Role: [0x0]
Note over Executor: Proposer Role: [Governor]
Note over Executor: Canceller Role: [Governor, FluenceMultisig]
npm install
Empty yaml example with description
```yaml networks: etherscanApiKey: {etherscan key} repotGas: true testnet: url: {testnet eth node url} privateKey: {private key for testnet} mainnet:
url: {mainnet eth node url}
privateKey: {private key for mainnet}
usdToken: {usd token address}
balancerLBPFactory: {balancer LBP factory address}
uniswapFactory: {uniwap factory address}
balancerVault: {balancer vault address}
lbpPoolDurationDays: {days duration of lbp}
swapFeePercentage: {fee for lbp swap}
weight: {start weight}
endWeight: {end weight}
initialAmount: {initial amount}
weight: {start weight}
endWeight: {end weight}
initialAmount: {initial amount}
totalSupply: {DAO total token supply}
delayDays: {delay from success proposal to execution}
merkleRoot: {reward from merkle reward tree}
initialReward: {initial reward}
totalRewards: {total reward of all users}
halvePeriodMonths: {reward halve period}
claimingPeriodMonths: {claim period in months}
delayDurationMonths: 1
vestingDurationMonths: 1
csvFile: {csv file with investors addresses and tokens}
delayDurationMonths: 1
vestingDurationMonths: 1
account: {fluence account}
amount: 10
delayDurationMonths: 1
vestingDurationMonths: 1
csvFile: {csv file with team members addresses and tokens}
votingDelayDays: {delay from create voting to start voting}
votingPeriodDays: {voting period for proposals}
proposalThreshold: {min token for creating proposal}
on the other hand, the config.example.yaml represents file
- to be copied as it is
- to be complete to run for tests after replacing "" to the workable one for the Mainnet (we use fork, and for the tests as well).
TODO: why testnet
npm run compile
npm run typechain
npm test