Replicant takes hiccup and replicates its structure in the browser's DOM. Over and over. Efficiently. It is pure ClojureScript, and is currently a bit slower than React but a bit faster than reagent for most things. Work in progress.
Replicant has no local state and no components. It has a render function that takes a DOM element and some hiccup, and it has a single life-cycle hook that is called with data about what kind of event occurred (mount, update, move, etc). It supports event handlers and life-cycle hooks as data.
(require '[replicant.dom :as d])
(def el (js/document.getElementById "app"))
;; Render to the DOM - creates all elements
(d/render el
[:li {:key 1} "Item #1"]
[:li {:key 2} "Item #2"]
[:li {:key 3} "Item #3"]
[:li {:key 4} "Item #4"]])
;; This render call will only result in one DOM node being moved.
(d/render el
[:li {:key 1} "Item #1"]
[:li {:key 3} "Item #3"]
[:li {:key 2} "Item #2"]
[:li {:key 4} "Item #4"]])
This Readme will be fledged out quite soon.