- installconsolek8s_tlregistry.sh deploys Twistlock console in a kubernetes cluster as a LoadBalancer or NodePort
- set for Linux, if running on macos, change 'linux' to 'osx' in script
- gke-pv.yaml can be used as a template to provision a persistent volume in gke for a Console install, you must create a persistent disk and format it appropriately - please chane the YOURIDENTIFIER in the yaml to something that is consistent with your naming convention for resources in your environment
- kubectl setup to manage your kubernetes cluster
- Twistlock software downloaded and extracted, must run this script from Twistlock home folder (where twistlock.cfg file resides)
- Twistlock access token
- ./installconsolek8s_tlregistry.sh without parameters shows usage
- pass in service type (LoadBalancer or NodePort) and Twistlock access token
Example ./installconsolek8s_tlregistry.sh LoadBalancer kvbeey2clpcutdfr8rggnzgxxxxxxxxxx
You will be prompted for the following information:
* Persistent Volume provisioning,
(depends on cloud provider)