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Java framework to create batch job and workflow easily

Its not just another framework like JBatch/Spring Batch/Easy Batch

We have created the framework to support various batch processing technologies on a single platform. As of now it only supports BlockingQueue & ThreadPoolExecuter based solution.

Basic Documentation:

  1. Job can be controlled/monitored by web: http://localhost:8080/job4j-0.0.1/joblist

  2. Jobs, JobGroups and JobFlow can be started/scheduled independently.

  3. Multiple Job can be added to a JobGroup which runs parallely.

  4. Multiple JobGroup can be added to a JobFlow which runs sequentially.

  5. If a JobFlow contains Jobs in its two adjacent JobGroup, where output of a Job in 1st JobGroup is of same type as input of another Job in next JobGroup, a JobPipe gets created automatically fow data flow.

  6. Developers just need to implement 3 Interfaces(1 method in each): InputProducer, Task, OutputConsumer

    It's initial version of implementation... Design can change to accomodate future implementations.

Future Works:

  1. Configure Job via DB
  2. Fork Join Implementation
  3. Map Reduce Implementation

Easy Configuration (currently using spring context file) to create Job:

<bean id="job1InputProducer" class="com.talentica.job4j.test.job1.Job1InputProducer"/>
<bean id="job1Task" class="com.talentica.job4j.test.job1.Job1Task" scope="prototype"/>
<bean id="job1OutputConsumer" class="com.talentica.job4j.test.job1.Job1OutputConsumer"/> 

<bean id="testJob1" class="com.talentica.job4j.impl.queue.QueueJob">
  	<property name="name" value="TestJob1" />
	  <property name="startCronSchedule" value="0 * * * *" />
	  <property name="stopCronSchedule" value="55 * * * *" />				
	  <property name="timeZone" value="IST" />
	<property name="inputProducer" ref="job1InputProducer" />		
  	<property name="task" ref="job1Task" />
	  <property name="outputConsumer" ref="job1OutputConsumer" />	
  	<property name="maxThreadCount" value="5" />
	<property name="threadSleepTime" value="4000" />

To create JobFlow:
	<bean id="jobGroup1" class="com.talentica.job4j.model.JobGroup">
	<property name="jobList">
			<ref bean="testJob1"/>
			<ref bean="testJob2"/>

<bean id="jobGroup2" class="com.talentica.job4j.model.JobGroup">
	<property name="jobList">
			<ref bean="testJob3"/>

<bean id="jobFlow1" class="com.talentica.job4j.model.JobFlow">
	<property name="jobGroupList">
			<ref bean="jobGroup1"/>
			<ref bean="jobGroup2"/>


Java framework to create batch job and workflow easily







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