- React/Vite
- RTG -> Python & JS
- Prodigy -> Python
- Clix -> Python & JS
- Giant Jupiter(ISO ka openhiemer) -> Python
- Godfather -> Python & JS
- Spooky -> Python
- Sovietfowl -> Python & JS
- Purple -> Python
- Cheemonster & Enchanted -> Project Manager (Add easter eggs for both)
- Send a unique link -> Add the people -> let people choose their name
- 1 minute time limit -> add as many prompts as you can, with their answers, convert each prompt to lowercase -> andomise each prompt for each player (we need to save each user's each prompt till the end of game, maybe keep it in some 2D array or something)
- for each prompt -> give 2sec to the player to do uddi/not-uddi -> give strike to players who gave wrong answer (+(3 - num_of_strike) point for correct answer, +1.5 for elimination via prompt) -> if strikes == 3 then remove finger of that player
- Repeat from step-3 till all prompts are over OR only one player is left
- Repeat from step-2 till only one player is left (eliminated players can add prompts but can't finger)
- show all user prompts and vote to remove user's prompts & their points
- The chidiya uddi/not-uddi fingering is done using a slider, if slider goes 69% then means ussi otherwise not-uddi, 69% is a threshold if finger goes above it then register that as uddi for that prompt and user must bring their finger out of that 69% zone to be ready for the next prompt (otherwise the uddi will be again registered for next prompt)
- give user the choice to set all the time limits
- Deployyyyyyyyyyy
- Discord Integration ??
- Make it a AI powered Chidiya Uddi
- remove duplicate prompts ??