We have implemented the following transportation protocol and load balance scheme.
- Per flow ECMP
- Presto
- Weighted Presto, which has to be used together with asymmetric topology
- FlowBender
- LetFlow
- LinkMonitor
You can use ./waf --run conga-simulation-large
to run most of the test cases.
Program Arguments:
--ID: Running ID [0]
--StartTime: Start time of the simulation [0]
--EndTime: End time of the simulation [0.25]
--FlowLaunchEndTime: End time of the flow launch period [0.1]
--runMode: Running mode of this simulation: Conga, Conga-flow, Presto, DRB, FlowBender, ECMP, Clove, DRILL, LetFlow [Conga]
--randomSeed: Random seed, 0 for random generated [0]
--cdfFileName: File name for flow distribution []
--load: Load of the network, 0.0 - 1.0 [0]
--transportProt: Transport protocol to use: Tcp, DcTcp [Tcp]
--linkLatency: Link latency, should be in MicroSeconds [10]
--resequenceBuffer: Whether enabling the resequence buffer [false]
--resequenceInOrderTimer: In order queue timeout in resequence buffer [5]
--resequenceOutOrderTimer: Out order queue timeout in resequence buffer [500]
--resequenceInOrderSize: In order queue size in resequence buffer [100]
--resequenceBufferLog: Whether enabling the resequence buffer logging system [false]
--asymCapacity: Whether the capacity is asym, which means some link will have only 1/10 the capacity of others [false]
--asymCapacityPoss: The possibility that a path will have only 1/10 capacity [40]
--flowBenderT: The T in flowBender [0.05]
--flowBenderN: The N in flowBender [1]
--serverCount: The Server count [8]
--spineCount: The Spine count [4]
--leafCount: The Leaf count [4]
--linkCount: The Link count [1]
--spineLeafCapacity: Spine <-> Leaf capacity in Gbps [10]
--leafServerCapacity: Leaf <-> Server capacity in Gbps [10]
--TLBMinRTT: Min RTT used to judge a good path in TLB [40]
--TLBHighRTT: High RTT used to judge a bad path in TLB [180]
--TLBPoss: Possibility to change the path in TLB [50]
--TLBBetterPathRTT: RTT Threshold used to judge one path is better than another in TLB [1]
--TLBT1: The path aging time interval in TLB [100]
--TLBECNPortionLow: The ECN portion used in judging a good path in TLB [0.1]
--TLBRunMode: The running mode of TLB, 0 for minimize counter, 1 for minimize RTT, 2 for random, 11 for RTT counter, 12 for RTT DRE [0]
--TLBProbingEnable: Whether the TLB probing is enable [true]
--TLBProbingInterval: Probing interval for TLB probing [50]
--TLBSmooth: Whether the RTT calculation is smooth [true]
--TLBRerouting: Whether the rerouting is enabled in TLB [true]
--TLBDREMultiply: DRE multiply factor in TLB [5]
--TLBS: The S used to judge a whether a flow should change path in TLB [64000]
--TLBReverseACK: Whether to enable the TLB reverse ACK path selection [false]
--quantifyRTTBase: The quantify RTT base in TLB [10]
--TLBFlowletTimeout: The TLB flowlet timeout [500]
--TcpPause: Whether TCP will pause in TLB & FlowBender [false]
--applicationPauseThresh: How many packets can pass before we have delay, 0 for disable [0]
--applicationPauseTime: The time for a delay, in MicroSeconds [1000]
--cloveFlowletTimeout: Flowlet timeout for Clove [500]
--cloveRunMode: Clove run mode, 0 for edge flowlet, 1 for ECN, 2 for INT (not yet implemented) [0]
--cloveHalfRTT: Half RTT used in Clove ECN [40]
--cloveDisToUncongestedPath: Whether Clove will distribute the weight to uncongested path (no ECN) or all paths [false]
--enableLargeDupAck: Whether to set the ReTxThreshold to a very large value to mask reordering [false]
--congaFlowletTimeout: Flowlet timeout in Conga [50]
--letFlowFlowletTimeout: Flowlet timeout in LetFlow [50]
--enableRandomDrop: Whether the Spine-0 to other leaves has the random drop problem [false]
--randomDropRate: The random drop rate when the random drop is enabled [0.005]```
--blackHoleMode: The packet black hole mode, 0 to disable, 1 src, 2 dest, 3 src/dest pair [0]
--blackHoleSrcAddr: The packet black hole source address []
--blackHoleSrcMask: The packet black hole source mask []
--blackHoleDestAddr: The packet black hole destination address []
--blackHoleDestMask: The packet black hole destination mask []
--congaAwareAsym: Whether Conga is aware of the capacity of asymmetric path capacity [true]
--enableLargeSynRetries: Whether the SYN packet would retry thousands of times [false]
--enableFastReConnection: Whether the SYN gap will be very small when reconnecting [false]
--enableLargeDataRetries: Whether the data retransmission will be more than 6 times [false]