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We have implemented the following transportation protocol and load balance scheme.

Transport Protocol

  1. DCTCP

Load Balance Scheme

  1. Per flow ECMP
  2. CONGA
  3. DRB
  4. Presto
  5. Weighted Presto, which has to be used together with asymmetric topology
  6. FlowBender
  7. TLB
  8. CLOVE
  9. DRILL
  10. LetFlow


  1. XPath


  1. LinkMonitor


You can use ./waf --run conga-simulation-large to run most of the test cases.

Program Arguments:
    --ID:                         Running ID [0]
    --StartTime:                  Start time of the simulation [0]
    --EndTime:                    End time of the simulation [0.25]
    --FlowLaunchEndTime:          End time of the flow launch period [0.1]
    --runMode:                    Running mode of this simulation: Conga, Conga-flow, Presto, DRB, FlowBender, ECMP, Clove, DRILL, LetFlow [Conga]
    --randomSeed:                 Random seed, 0 for random generated [0]
    --cdfFileName:                File name for flow distribution []
    --load:                       Load of the network, 0.0 - 1.0 [0]
    --transportProt:              Transport protocol to use: Tcp, DcTcp [Tcp]
    --linkLatency:                Link latency, should be in MicroSeconds [10]
    --resequenceBuffer:           Whether enabling the resequence buffer [false]
    --resequenceInOrderTimer:     In order queue timeout in resequence buffer [5]
    --resequenceOutOrderTimer:    Out order queue timeout in resequence buffer [500]
    --resequenceInOrderSize:      In order queue size in resequence buffer [100]
    --resequenceBufferLog:        Whether enabling the resequence buffer logging system [false]
    --asymCapacity:               Whether the capacity is asym, which means some link will have only 1/10 the capacity of others [false]
    --asymCapacityPoss:           The possibility that a path will have only 1/10 capacity [40]
    --flowBenderT:                The T in flowBender [0.05]
    --flowBenderN:                The N in flowBender [1]
    --serverCount:                The Server count [8]
    --spineCount:                 The Spine count [4]
    --leafCount:                  The Leaf count [4]
    --linkCount:                  The Link count [1]
    --spineLeafCapacity:          Spine <-> Leaf capacity in Gbps [10]
    --leafServerCapacity:         Leaf <-> Server capacity in Gbps [10]
    --TLBMinRTT:                  Min RTT used to judge a good path in TLB [40]
    --TLBHighRTT:                 High RTT used to judge a bad path in TLB [180]
    --TLBPoss:                    Possibility to change the path in TLB [50]
    --TLBBetterPathRTT:           RTT Threshold used to judge one path is better than another in TLB [1]
    --TLBT1:                      The path aging time interval in TLB [100]
    --TLBECNPortionLow:           The ECN portion used in judging a good path in TLB [0.1]
    --TLBRunMode:                 The running mode of TLB, 0 for minimize counter, 1 for minimize RTT, 2 for random, 11 for RTT counter, 12 for RTT DRE [0]
    --TLBProbingEnable:           Whether the TLB probing is enable [true]
    --TLBProbingInterval:         Probing interval for TLB probing [50]
    --TLBSmooth:                  Whether the RTT calculation is smooth [true]
    --TLBRerouting:               Whether the rerouting is enabled in TLB [true]
    --TLBDREMultiply:             DRE multiply factor in TLB [5]
    --TLBS:                       The S used to judge a whether a flow should change path in TLB [64000]
    --TLBReverseACK:              Whether to enable the TLB reverse ACK path selection [false]
    --quantifyRTTBase:            The quantify RTT base in TLB [10]
    --TLBFlowletTimeout:          The TLB flowlet timeout [500]
    --TcpPause:                   Whether TCP will pause in TLB & FlowBender [false]
    --applicationPauseThresh:     How many packets can pass before we have delay, 0 for disable [0]
    --applicationPauseTime:       The time for a delay, in MicroSeconds [1000]
    --cloveFlowletTimeout:        Flowlet timeout for Clove [500]
    --cloveRunMode:               Clove run mode, 0 for edge flowlet, 1 for ECN, 2 for INT (not yet implemented) [0]
    --cloveHalfRTT:               Half RTT used in Clove ECN [40]
    --cloveDisToUncongestedPath:  Whether Clove will distribute the weight to uncongested path (no ECN) or all paths [false]
    --enableLargeDupAck:          Whether to set the ReTxThreshold to a very large value to mask reordering [false]
    --congaFlowletTimeout:        Flowlet timeout in Conga [50]
    --letFlowFlowletTimeout:      Flowlet timeout in LetFlow [50]
    --enableRandomDrop:           Whether the Spine-0 to other leaves has the random drop problem [false]
    --randomDropRate:             The random drop rate when the random drop is enabled [0.005]```
    --blackHoleMode:              The packet black hole mode, 0 to disable, 1 src, 2 dest, 3 src/dest pair [0]
    --blackHoleSrcAddr:           The packet black hole source address []
    --blackHoleSrcMask:           The packet black hole source mask []
    --blackHoleDestAddr:          The packet black hole destination address []
    --blackHoleDestMask:          The packet black hole destination mask []
    --congaAwareAsym:             Whether Conga is aware of the capacity of asymmetric path capacity [true]
    --enableLargeSynRetries:      Whether the SYN packet would retry thousands of times [false]
    --enableFastReConnection:     Whether the SYN gap will be very small when reconnecting [false]    
    --enableLargeDataRetries:     Whether the data retransmission will be more than 6 times [false]