is a simple component that shows tooltips inside the chart. Hint
places itself to the place which is set by your data. In case a custom representation is needed, the component is also able to wrap custom JSX. Here is a short example:
<Hint value={myValue}>
<div style={{background: 'black'}}>
<h3>Value of hint</h3>
Hints can be placed in two ways a) around a data point in one of four quadrants (imagine the point bisected by two axes -vertical, horizontal- creating 4 quadrants around a data point). b) Pin to an edge of chart/plot area and position along that edge using data point's other dimension value.
Type: Object
The data point to show the value at. Hint component will automatically find the place where the data point is and put the hint there.
Type: function
Format function for a tooltip. Receives the data point, should return an array of objects containing title
and value
properties. Each item of an array is shown on a separate line by default.
Note: please pass custom contents in case if you need different look for the hint.
Type: Object
Default: {horizontal: 'auto', vertical: 'auto'}
The way to align the hint inside the chart. Within the object, specify the horizontal alignment (auto|left|right)
and the vertical alignment (auto|top|bottom)
. For example, to see a "conventional" hint alignment: {vertical: 'top', horizontal: 'left'}
Type: Object
You can pass a style object to your Hint component to apply your own styles. See style
<Hint value={value} style={{fontSize: 14}}/>
Style is a composite component, and individual parts of it can receive different parts. The different parts are: content, row, title, value. To style a specific part, you can pass an object to the property with that name.
<Hint value={value} style={{
fontSize: 14,
text: {
display: 'none'
value: {
color: 'red'