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File metadata and controls

105 lines (75 loc) · 4.14 KB


You can override pretty much all the HTML generated by ng-admin, at different levels.


Ng-admin CSS is composed of styles from sb-admin, on top of Bootstrap 3. By using your own CSS in addition to the ng-admin CSS, you can customize the look and feel of every displayed component.

To ease styling, ng-admin adds custom classes for the entities and fields currently displayed, to allow a finer styling. For instance, the datagrid in the list view always uses a class named ng-admin-entity-[entityName]. In the datagrid also, each header in the table uses a class named ng-admin-column-[fieldName], which should allow precise sizing of columns.

Don't hesitate to inspect the generated source to look for the right CSS selector.

Custom Classes

To ease theming, you can add a custom class to your fields in every view, using the cssClasses() method.

    nga.field('title').cssClasses(['foo', 'bar'])

cssClasses() can optionally accept a function, to return a class depending on the current entry.

    nga.field('title').cssClasses(function(entry) {
        if (entry.values.publishDate >= {
            return 'bg-success';

Customizing Directives Templates

Using Angular's $provide service, and the ability to decorate another provider, you can customize the templates of all the directives used by ng-admin. Here is an example of customization of the 'text' input field customization:

var app = angular.module('myApp', ['ng-admin']);

app.config(function(NgAdminConfigurationProvider, $provide) {
        // Override textarea template
        $provide.decorator('maTextFieldDirective', ['$delegate', function ($delegate) {
            // You can modify directly the template
            $delegate[0].template = angular.element($delegate[0].template).addClass('MyClass')[0].outerHTML;

            // or use a templateURL (loaded from a file or a <script type="text/ng-template" id="string.html"></script> tag)
            $delegate[0].template = '';
            $delegate[0].templateUrl = 'string.html';

            return $delegate;

        // ...

Customizing The View Template For A Given Entity

For a given entity, each of the main views (list, show, create, edit, delete) can use a custom HTML template instead of the default one. Just pass it to the template() function on the view:

var myTemplate = require('text!./path/to/list.html');
var myEntity = nga.entity('foo_endpoint');
// continue myEntity configuration
// ...

Customizing The View Templates For The Entire Application

You can use the app.customTemplate() method to customize the template of a given view across the entire application (for all entities). This method expects a function argument, which should return the template as a string.

var myTemplate = require('text!./path/to/list.html');
app.customTemplate(function(viewName) {
    if (viewName === 'ListView') {
        return myTemplate;

Customizing the Application Layout

If, for any reason, you need to override the application layout (for instance to add authentication status on the top bar), use the app.layout() setter:

var myLayout = require('text!./path/to/layout.html');
var app = nga.application('My Application') 

The original layout can be found in src/javascripts/ng-admin/Main/view/layout.html.

Customizing Error Messages

You can use the app.errorMessage(), entity.errorMessage() or view.errorMessage() methods to customize the message displayed when an error occurred with the API. These methods expect a function argument with the response as parameter, which should return the message as a string.

entity.errorMessage(function (response) {
    return 'Global error: ' + response.status + '(' + + ')';