My Vim config. I compile and configure a few popular vim plugins, colors, snippets, etc
This configuration makes use of pathogen to have a well organized vim directory.
Most of the bundles are git submodules facilitating easy updating and configuration.
The vimrc is quite clean and provides easy configuration of the following plugins.
- PIV (PHP Integration for VIM)
- Snipmate
- NerdCommenter
- NerdTree
- SuperTab
- Fugitive
- DelimitMate
- Matchit
- CheckSyntax
- Surrounding
- AutoCloseTag
It also contains a very complete set of snippets for use with snipmate.
Assuming you don't have an existing .vimrc and .vim...
cd ~
ln -s /path/to/spf13-vim/vimrc .vimrc
ln -s /path/to/spf13-vim/vim .vim
Or better, install this with homesick