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MLIR software layer enabling steps


This instruction will guide you through steps of adding a new software layer to the MLIR compiler. It has step-by-step plan of actions using CTCGreedyDecoder layer as an example.

Be aware, that MLIR compiler is in a rapid development and code snippets might be out of date.

Debugging tips and tricks

Make sure to take a look at debugging documentation to have a common knowledge of technics and tools that will help you investigate problems when developing a layer.

Opset specification

Examine layer specification

Let's implement CTCGreedyDecoder operation from OpenVINO opset-1.

Even though, ctc_merge_repeated parameter is Optional, ngraph don't treat it as such.

If you found, that ngraph don't follow the operation specification, you should create a bug ticket. Considering CTCGreedyDecoder-1 supposed to be repalced with CTCGreedyDecoderSeqLen-6, we will ignore that inconsistency.

CTCGreedyDecoder-1: Attributes:

  • ctc_merge_repeated of type boolean.


  • data is a floating point tensor of shape [T, N, C].
  • sequence_mask is a floating point tensor of shape [T, N].


  • output tensor with shape [N, T, 1, 1] and integer elements.

Things to keep in mind:

  • Input count, size and type.
  • Output count, size and type.
  • Attribute types.
  • Are any of the above optional.

Single layer test

Add OpenVINO single layer test. Copy test suites from the MKLDNN plugin for initial setup.

A simple test will be useful to have for debugging. Run it to see the build/compilation issues. Make sure to derive LayerTest from LayerTestsUtils::KmbLayerTestsCommon. Use *_MLIR test suite name. Add useCompilerMLIR() function to your TEST_P macro. It will set plugin config to use MLIR compiler.

Useful links: How to run tests

Create a new file with a test


#include "single_layer_tests/ctc_greedy_decoder.hpp"
#include <vector>
#include "kmb_layer_test.hpp"

namespace LayerTestsDefinitions {

class KmbCTCGreedyDecoderLayerTest:
        public CTCGreedyDecoderLayerTest,
        virtual public LayerTestsUtils::KmbLayerTestsCommon {

TEST_P(KmbCTCGreedyDecoderLayerTest, CompareWithRefs_MLIR) {

}  // namespace LayerTestsDefinitions

using namespace ngraph::helpers;
using namespace LayerTestsDefinitions;

namespace {

const std::vector<InferenceEngine::Precision> netPrecisions = {

const std::vector<bool> mergeRepeated = {true, false};

const std::vector<InferenceEngine::SizeVector> inputShapes = {
    InferenceEngine::SizeVector { 88, 1, 71 },
    InferenceEngine::SizeVector { 10, 1, 16 },

const auto params = testing::Combine(


IE Dialect

The IE Dialect represents InferenceEngine/nGraph IR in terms of MLIR framework.

It has the following properties:

  • Describes network topology without HW details (memory hierarchy, memory allocation, scheduling).
  • Represents the latest nGraph opset and in addition some portion of legacy IE opset (for convenience).
  • Works with MLIR Tensor Types as atomic Values (no memory effects), all operations are pure.
  • Performs high level transformations/optimizations, that doesn't need low level details (memory buffers, scheduling).


IE Operation table gen

Let's create a table-gen representation of our layer.


// CTCGreedyDecoderOp

def IE_CTCGreedyDecoderOp :
        > {
    let summary = "InferenceEngine CTCGreedyDecoder layer";

    let arguments = (ins
        RankedTensorOf<[F16, F32]>:$input,
        RankedTensorOf<[F16, F32]>:$sequenceLengths,


    let results = (outs
        RankedTensorOf<[F16, F32]>:$output

NGraph parser

Define parseNode function, that will transform ngraph operation to MLIR representation.


class NGraphImporter final {
    NGraphImporter(mlir::MLIRContext* ctx, std::shared_ptr<const ngraph::Function> netGraph, bool sharedConstants,
                   Logger log)
            : _ctx(ctx), _netGraph(std::move(netGraph)), _sharedConstants(sharedConstants), _log(log) {

    // Declare parser for ngraph operation
    void parseNode(mlir::OpBuilder& builder, const std::shared_ptr<opset_latest::CTCGreedyDecoder>& origNode);

Check input tensors and parse ngraph operation.


void NGraphImporter::parseNode(mlir::OpBuilder& builder,
                               const std::shared_ptr<opset_latest::CTCGreedyDecoder>& origNode) {
    static_assert(std::is_same<std::decay<decltype(*origNode)>::type, ngraph::op::v0::CTCGreedyDecoder>::value,
                  "opset operation mismatch");
    const auto inputs = getInputs(origNode);
    VPUX_THROW_UNLESS(inputs.size() == 2, "nGraph CTCGreedyDecoder node '{0}' has unsupported number of inputs '{1}'",
                      origNode->get_friendly_name(), inputs.size());

    auto op = builder.create<IE::CTCGreedyDecoderOp>(createLocation(origNode), inputs[0], inputs[1],
    addOutputs(origNode, op);

Add map entry for operation dispatcher.


mlir::FuncOp NGraphImporter::buildMainFunc(mlir::OpBuilder& moduleBuilder, StringRef funcName) {
    using Callback = void (NGraphImporter::*)(mlir::OpBuilder & builder, const OrigNodePtr& origNode);
    using DispatchMap = std::map<ngraph::NodeTypeInfo, Callback>;

    static const DispatchMap dispatchMap{


IE Output shape resolver

Create a new file, that defines vpux::IE::::inferReturnTypeComponents function. Given input tensors and layer parameters, this function computes output shapes and types of the operation. (new) src/vpux_compiler/src/dialect/IE/ops/ctc_greedy_decoder.cpp

mlir::LogicalResult vpux::IE::CTCGreedyDecoderOp::inferReturnTypeComponents(
        mlir::MLIRContext* ctx, Optional<mlir::Location> optLoc, mlir::ValueRange operands, mlir::DictionaryAttr attrs,
        mlir::RegionRange, SmallVectorImpl<mlir::ShapedTypeComponents>& inferredReturnShapes) {
    const auto loc = optLoc.getValueOr(mlir::UnknownLoc::get(ctx));

    IE::CTCGreedyDecoderOpAdaptor ctc(operands, attrs);
    if (mlir::failed(ctc.verify(loc))) {
        return mlir::failure();

    const auto inType = ctc.input().getType().cast<mlir::ShapedType>();
    const auto inShape = inType.getShape();

    if (inShape.size() != 3) {
        return errorAt(loc, "First input tensor should have 3 dimensions");

    SmallVector<int64_t> outputShape{inShape[1], inShape[0], 1, 1};

    inferredReturnShapes.emplace_back(outputShape, inType.getElementType());

    return mlir::success();

Optional: IE Attribute parser

For the operations with sophisticated parameters (eg parameters cannot be expressed with numbers, enum), custom attribute should be implemented. This attribute is not related to the example above. src/vpux_compiler/tblgen/vpux/compiler/dialect/IE/

// RoundingType

def IE_RoundingType :
            "Rounding type that operations support",
        > {
    let cppNamespace = "vpux::IE";
    let genSpecializedAttr = 1;

Additional helper function should be used for parsing the attribute. src/vpux_compiler/src/frontend/IE.cpp#L164

    IE::RoundingTypeAttr importRoundingType(ngraph::op::RoundingType roundingType);


IE::RoundingTypeAttr NGraphImporter::importRoundingType(ngraph::op::RoundingType roundingType) {
    switch (roundingType) {
    case ngraph::op::RoundingType::FLOOR:
        return IE::RoundingTypeAttr::get(_ctx, IE::RoundingType::FLOOR);
    case ngraph::op::RoundingType::CEIL:
        return IE::RoundingTypeAttr::get(_ctx, IE::RoundingType::CEIL);
        VPUX_THROW("Unknown RoundingType");

Optional: Canonicalizer

IE Dialect operation can contain canonicalization pattern, which simplifies IR (fusing, using more concrete operations, converting constant operands to attribute). Such manipulation should be done on IE Dialect level, not ngraph parser, because FrontEnd just performs 1-to-1 mapping without any transformation/adaptation logic, and with such separation we have simple frontend and Canonicalization pass, which we can cover with tests.

Most used case is converting inputs (e.g. parameters from weights) into attributes. In this case we will simplify our graph (less edges between constant and layer) and simplify approach how to work with attributes (because in case of working / manipulating with inputs, we need first check, that it's constant, then transform it, etc.)

Swish operation canonicalizer example src/vpux_compiler/src/dialect/IE/ops/swish.cpp#L41

// ConvertConstToAttr

namespace {

class ConvertConstToAttr final : public mlir::OpRewritePattern<IE::SwishOp> {
    using mlir::OpRewritePattern<IE::SwishOp>::OpRewritePattern;

    mlir::LogicalResult matchAndRewrite(IE::SwishOp swishOp, mlir::PatternRewriter& rewriter) const final;

mlir::LogicalResult ConvertConstToAttr::matchAndRewrite(IE::SwishOp swishOp, mlir::PatternRewriter& rewriter) const {
    // Check if Input was already converted to Attribute
    auto beta = swishOp.beta();
    if (beta == nullptr) {
        return mlir::failure();  // mlir::failure() means that pass was not applied

    // Check for Input to be a constant
    auto betaOp = swishOp.beta().getDefiningOp<Const::DeclareOp>();
    if (betaOp == nullptr) {
        return mlir::failure();

    // Check for constant to have "one value"
    const auto betaContent = betaOp.content();
    if (!betaContent.isSplat()) {
        return mlir::failure();

    rewriter.replaceOpWithNewOp<IE::SwishOp>(swishOp, swishOp.getType(), swishOp.input(), nullptr,

    return mlir::success();

}  // namespace

void vpux::IE::SwishOp::getCanonicalizationPatterns(mlir::RewritePatternSet& patterns, mlir::MLIRContext* context) {

Add hasCanonicalizer variable to table gen defenition src/vpux_compiler/tblgen/vpux/compiler/dialect/IE/

def IE_SwishOp :
    let hasCanonicalizer = 1;

Some notes about mlir::failure();. It doesn't mean, that pass failed. It just mean, that this pass cannot be applied and should be skipped. In example above, this line mean we already converted input into attr, and don't need to do it again. Since canonicalizer pass can be executed few time, we can end-up in endless loop trying to apply this optimization, if we don't do such check.

Optional: Transformation pass

Canonicalizer, as described, is simple version of transformation. We can do simple fusing, parameters manipulation, but, in general, we will stay with the same operation as before, but in a canonical state.

If we need to do something more complicated, we should be using a pass instead.


Let's take a look at the example of supporting 1D Convolution. We have Convolution2D already supported. By converting 1D Convolution to 2D variant, we can support Convolution1D operation without an actual kernel implementation.


// ConvertConv1DToConv2D

def ConvertConv1DToConv2D : PassBase<"convert-conv1d-to-conv2d", "vpux::FunctionPass"> {
    let summary = "Convert Convolution1D and GroupConvolution1D to its 2D variance";

    let description = [{
        The pass is a part of `AdjustForVPU` pipeline.

        Extends input, filter and output tensors with height = 1.
        [N, C, W] -> [N, C, 1, W]
        strides:    {2} -> strides:    {1, 2}
        pads_begin: {2} -> pads_begin: {0, 2}
        pads_end:   {2} -> pads_end:   {0, 2}
        dilations:  {2} -> dilations:  {1, 2}

    let constructor = "vpux::IE::createConvertConv1DToConv2DPass()";

    let dependentDialects = [

Declare a function, that will instantiate custom pass.


// Adjust IE Dialect IR for VPU target.
std::unique_ptr<mlir::Pass> createConvertMultiplyToLegacyPowerPass(Logger log = Logger::global());

Create pass implementation file. Define rewriter pass and derive from mlir::OpRewritePattern. There is also more sophisticated mlir::OpConversionPattern you might use.


// ConvolutionExpansion

class ConvolutionExpansion final : public mlir::OpRewritePattern<IE::ConvolutionOp> {
    ConvolutionExpansion(mlir::MLIRContext* ctx, Logger log)
            : mlir::OpRewritePattern<IE::ConvolutionOp>(ctx), _log(log) {

    mlir::LogicalResult matchAndRewrite(IE::ConvolutionOp origOp, mlir::PatternRewriter& rewriter) const final;

    Logger _log;

Write main pass logic that matchesAndRewrites desired operations


mlir::LogicalResult ConvolutionExpansion::matchAndRewrite(IE::ConvolutionOp origOp,
                                                          mlir::PatternRewriter& rewriter) const {
    _log.trace("Found IE::Convolution Operation '{0}'", origOp->getLoc());

    // Transform inputs and attributes
    const auto newInput = extendTensor(rewriter, origOp->getLoc(), origOp.input());
    const auto newFilter = extendTensor(rewriter, origOp->getLoc(), origOp.filter());
    const auto newBias = extendTensor(rewriter, origOp->getLoc(), origOp.bias());

    const auto newStrides = append(getContext(), origOp.strides(), 1);
    const auto newPadsBegin = append(getContext(), origOp.pads_begin(), 0);
    const auto newPadsEnd = append(getContext(), origOp.pads_end(), 0);
    const auto newDilations = append(getContext(), origOp.dilations(), 1);

    // Create new operation with transformed parameters
    auto newConvOp = rewriter.create<IE::ConvolutionOp>(origOp->getLoc(), newInput, newFilter, newBias, newStrides,
                                                        newPadsBegin, newPadsEnd, newDilations, origOp.post_opAttr());

    const auto outputShape = origOp.output().getType().cast<mlir::ShapedType>().getShape();
    const auto outputShapeAttr = getIntArrayAttr(getContext(), outputShape);

    // Replace old IE::ConvolutionOp with a new IE::ConvolutionOp + IE::ReshapeOp
    rewriter.replaceOpWithNewOp<IE::ReshapeOp>(origOp, newConvOp.output(), nullptr, false, outputShapeAttr);

    _log.trace("Replaced with 'IE::Convolution' (2D)");

    return mlir::success();

After defining a match and rewite pattern, create safeRunOnFunc() function.

  1. It contains a list of operations that should be legalized. In our case its a Convolution1D operation.
  2. Convolution1D has 3D input tensor and is considered illegal. isLegalConvOp will return true if given Convolution has input != 3D, thus should not be converted by our pass.
  3. Create ConversionTarget and list all the operations involved in a transformation.
  4. Add convertion patterns that will try to legalize all DynamicallyLegalOps.
  5. Use applyPartialConversion function to run the pass. More conversion modes could be found in the Dialect Conversion documentation.


// ConvertConv1DToConv2DPass

class ConvertConv1DToConv2DPass final : public IE::ConvertConv1DToConv2DBase<ConvertConv1DToConv2DPass> {
    explicit ConvertConv1DToConv2DPass(Logger log) {
        Base::initLogger(log, Base::getArgumentName());

    void safeRunOnFunc() final;

void ConvertConv1DToConv2DPass::safeRunOnFunc() {
    auto& ctx = getContext();

    // Illegal ops will be converted (legalized)
    const auto isLegalConvOp = [&](IE::ConvolutionOp conv) {
        const auto inputShape = conv.input().getType().cast<mlir::ShapedType>().getShape();
        return inputShape.size() != 3;

    mlir::ConversionTarget target(ctx);
    // DynamicallyLegalOp is illegal op that could be legalized
    // Add legal ops that also are used in a transformation
    // Usually it will be IE::ReshapeOp, IE::ConvertOp or similar

    mlir::RewritePatternSet patterns(&ctx);
    patterns.insert<ConvolutionExpansion>(&ctx, _log);

    auto func = getFunction();
    if (mlir::failed(mlir::applyPartialConversion(func, target, std::move(patterns)))) {

}  // namespace

// createConvertConv1DToConv2DPass

std::unique_ptr<mlir::Pass> vpux::IE::createConvertConv1DToConv2DPass(Logger log) {
    return std::make_unique<ConvertConv1DToConv2DPass>(log);

Add pass to the pipeline. Most of the transormations should be added to buildAdjustForVPUPipeline because they are specific to VPU platform.



You're half way there.

You should be able to compile code now. Run single layer test and look for "Unable to legalize IE::OperationName" message. That means that MLIR compiler was not able to convert IE::OperationName to IERT::OperationName. This will be the next step.

IERT Dialect

InferenceEngine RunTime Dialect The IERT Dialect represents bufferized version of IE Dialect.

It has the following properties:

Works with fixed operation set (like IE Dialect). Represents execution scheduling and memory allocation. Works with MemRefType. Includes transformations and optimizations closer to HW level (memory re-usage, parallel resources' usage, etc.).


IERT Table gen


// CTCGreedyDecoderOp

def IERT_CTCGreedyDecoderOp :
        // the `1` indicates number of outputs
        IERT_LayerOp<1, "CTCGreedyDecoder",
                // Use MultiViewOpInterface instead for operations with many outputs
        > {
    let summary = "InferenceEngine run-time CTCGreedyDecoder layer";

    let arguments = (ins
        MemRefOf<[F16, F32]>:$input,
        MemRefOf<[F16, F32]>:$sequenceLengths,

        // Output memory buffer is an input argument of the operation
        // It acts as an in/out parameter
        // Please follow a naming convension and add _buff postfix to the output name
        MemRefOf<[F16, F32]>:$output_buff,


    let results = (outs
        MemRefOf<[F16, F32]>:$output

    let assemblyFormat = [{
        `inputs` `(` $input `:` type($input) `,` $sequenceLengths `:` type($sequenceLengths) `)`
        `outputs` `(` $output_buff `:` type($output_buff) `)`
        `->` type(results)

IE → IERT lowering

Convert previous representation of a layer in IE dialect down to the IERT dialect.


mlir::Operation* createRTLayer(IE::CTCGreedyDecoderOp origOp, ArrayRef<mlir::Value> allBufs, mlir::OpBuilder& b) {
    IERT::CTCGreedyDecoderOp::Adaptor newOp(allBufs);
    return b.create<IERT::CTCGreedyDecoderOp>(origOp.getLoc(), newOp.input(), newOp.sequenceLengths(),
                                              newOp.output_buff(), origOp.mergeRepeatedAttr());

Verifiers are used to validate state of the operation. It is common to check input size, layout and strides for correctness. Add checks for kernel limitations if present.


mlir::LogicalResult LayerRewrite::matchAndRewrite(mlir::Operation* origOp, ArrayRef<mlir::Value> newOperands,
                                                  mlir::ConversionPatternRewriter& rewriter) const {
 const CreateFunc createFunc =
            llvm::TypeSwitch<mlir::Operation*, CreateFunc>(origOp) CASE(mlir::quant::QuantizeCastOp)
    // Add new case for the new operation



GraphFile-schema is a common layer between compiler and runtime. It is a tool for serializing data to the blob.

Before lowering to the VPUIP dialect, make sure that graphFile-schema repository has your operation included. For debugging purposes, you can checkout kmb-plugin schema to the custom branch with the new operation added.

cd thirdparty/graphFile-schema
git checkout custom_branch

or you can manually add your layer to the existing schema

graphFile-schema is a submodule that we can't link with a relative path. "Online links" are provided for the browser view convinience.

Online link: thirdparty/graphFile-schema/src/schema/software.fbs#L446

table CTCDecoderParams {
  ctc_merge_repeated: bool;

Online link: thirdparty/graphFile-schema/src/schema/software.fbs#L885

union SoftwareLayerParams{
// ...

VPUIP Dialect


VPUIP table gen

Table gen is similar to the IERT dialect, only difference will be pointed out


// CTCGreedyDecoderUPAOp

def VPUIP_CTCGreedyDecoderUPAOp :
        VPUIP_UPATaskOp<1, "CTCGreedyDecoderUPA",
        > {
    let summary = "CTCGreedyDecoder UPA SHAVE kernel";

    let arguments = (ins


    let results = (outs

    // Describe inputs, outputs and parameters with C++ types
    let builders = [
                "mlir::Value":$input, "mlir::Value":$sequenceLengths,

    let assemblyFormat = [{
        `inputs` `(` $input `:` type($input) `,` $sequenceLengths `:` type($sequenceLengths) `)`
        `outputs` `(` $output_buff `:` type($output_buff) `)`
        (`waits` `(` $waitBarriers^ `:` type($waitBarriers) `)`)?
        (`updates` `(` $updateBarriers^ `:` type($updateBarriers) `)`)?
        `->` type(results)

VPUIP UPATask builder

Serialize layer to UPATask using graphFile-schema interface.

(new) src/vpux_compiler/src/dialect/VPUIP/ops/upa_ctc_greedy_decoder.cpp

void vpux::VPUIP::CTCGreedyDecoderUPAOp::build(mlir::OpBuilder& builder, mlir::OperationState& state, mlir::Value input,
                                               mlir::Value sequenceLengths, mlir::Value output,
                                               mlir::UnitAttr mergeRepeated) {
    // pass parameters that were described in table gen arguments variable
    build(builder, state, input, sequenceLengths, output, mlir::ValueRange{}, mlir::ValueRange{}, mergeRepeated,
          nullptr, nullptr);

VPUIP::BlobWriter::SpecificTask vpux::VPUIP::CTCGreedyDecoderUPAOp::serialize(VPUIP::BlobWriter& writer) {
    MVCNN::CTCDecoderParamsBuilder builder(writer);
    const auto paramsOff = builder.Finish();

    return writer.createUPALayerTask(*this, {paramsOff.Union(), MVCNN::SoftwareLayerParams_CTCDecoderParams});

IERT → VPUIP lowering


// IERT.CTCGreedyDecoder -> VPUIP.CTCGreedyDecoderUPA

def createCTCGreedyDecoderUPAOp :
                $_loc, $0, $1, $2, $3)

def RewriteCTCGreedyDecoder :
            (IERT_CTCGreedyDecoderOp $input, $sequenceLengths, $output, $mergeRepeated),
            (createCTCGreedyDecoderUPAOp $input, $sequenceLengths, $output, $mergeRepeated)

Only for cases where layer have more than 1 output:

For layers that have more than 1 output need to implement rewriter manually. For example CTCGreedyDecoderSeqLen-6 operation has two outputs. src/vpux_compiler/src/conversion/passes/IERT2VPUIP/convert_layers_to_VPUIP.cpp#L30

class CTCGreedyDecoderSeqLenRewrite final : public mlir::OpRewritePattern<IERT::CTCGreedyDecoderSeqLenOp> {
    CTCGreedyDecoderSeqLenRewrite(mlir::MLIRContext* ctx, Logger log)
            : mlir::OpRewritePattern<IERT::CTCGreedyDecoderSeqLenOp>(ctx), _log(log) {

    mlir::LogicalResult matchAndRewrite(IERT::CTCGreedyDecoderSeqLenOp origOp,
                                        mlir::PatternRewriter& rewriter) const final;

    Logger _log;

mlir::LogicalResult CTCGreedyDecoderSeqLenRewrite::matchAndRewrite(IERT::CTCGreedyDecoderSeqLenOp origOp,
                                                                   mlir::PatternRewriter& rewriter) const {
    _log.trace("Found CTCGreedyDecoderSeqLen Operation '{0}'", origOp->getLoc());

            origOp, origOp.input(), origOp.sequenceLength(), origOp.blankIndex(), origOp.output_buff(),
            origOp.outputLength_buff(), origOp.mergeRepeatedAttr());
    _log.trace("Replaced with 'VPUIP.CTCGreedyDecoderSeqLenOp'");

    return mlir::success();

And then register this rewriter.


void ConvertLayers2VPUIPPass::safeRunOnFunc() {
    auto& ctx = getContext();

    // ...
    patterns.insert<CTCGreedyDecoderSeqLenRewrite>(&ctx, _log);
    // ...

Redirect interfaces for IE and IERT

Add two lines of code to register interfaces that resolves dependencies between dialects.


// redirectOpInterfacesForIE

template <template <class, class> class OpModelForHW, template <class> class OpModelForSW>
void redirectOpInterfacesForIE(mlir::DialectRegistry& registry) {
    // ...
    registry.addOpInterface<IE::CTCGreedyDecoderOp, OpModelForSW<VPUIP::CTCGreedyDecoderUPAOp>>();


// redirectOpInterfacesForIERT

template <class OpModelForHW, class OpModelForDMA, class OpModelForSW>
void redirectOpInterfacesForIERT(mlir::DialectRegistry& registry) {
    // ...
    registry.addOpInterface<IERT::CTCGreedyDecoderOp, OpModelForSW>();

VPUIP verifier

Verifiers are used to validate state of the operation. It is common to check input size, layout and strides for correctness. Add checks for kernel limitations if present.

Add verifier to the VPUIP table gen.


let verifier = [{
    return vpux::VPUIP::verifyOp(*this);

Declare and implement verifyOp function.


mlir::LogicalResult verifyOp(CTCGreedyDecoderUPAOp op);


mlir::LogicalResult vpux::VPUIP::verifyOp(CTCGreedyDecoderUPAOp op) {
    const auto inShape = getShape(op.input());

    if (inShape.size() != 3) {
        return errorAt(op, "Input shape should have 3 dimensions");

    if (inShape[Dim(1)] != 1) {
        return errorAt(op, "Input tensor [T N C] = [{0} {1} {2}] has unsupported dimension size N != 1",
                       inShape[Dim(0)], inShape[Dim(1)], inShape[Dim(2)]);

    return mlir::success();