Thanks for considering filing an issue! Before proceeding, please consider the type of issue you're filing and make sure to supply the proper details needed for it! :)
Questions: Please check the closed issues to see if it's already been asked before.
Feature Request: Please fill in just the first two sections. Please be as thorough as possible and explain how you would expect this feature to work both visually, and from an API perspective.
Bugs: Please be as thorough as possible when describe the bug you've discovered. If it's a visual bug, please add a screenshot. If it's an animation bug, please provide a recording of the bug in action.
Please note that since library is done as a side-project outside of work hours, a timely response cannot be guaranteed. ;)
Please remove this line and everything above it before submitting.
What is the outcome result you want to achieve with this library?
What did you expected to happen?
What happened instead? (Please attach a screenshot/screen recording if possible)
What are the steps needed to reproduce this issue? If this bug was caused by a specific image, please post it here.
On which version of iOS, and what sort of device did you experience this bug?