Extract text and images from highlighted pdf generated with reMarkable tablet.
- Add an option for two columns pdf.
- Add an option to increase quality of cropped images.
- Improvements on some artifacts (before the whole line was extracted when only a part of if was highlighted)
- New Windows executable (v2)
biff requires the following modules :
- opencv-python
- pymupdf
- numpy
- odfpy
biff needs Python 3
$ git clone https://github.com/soulisalmed/biff.git
$ cd biff
$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
$ python3 -m biff my_highlighted.pdf
usage: __main__.py [-h] [-c] [-q QUALITY] [pdf [pdf ...]]
Extract highlighted text and framed images from PDF(s) generated with
reMarkable tablet to Openoffice text document. Highlighted text will be
exported as text. Framed areas will be cropped as images.
positional arguments:
pdf PDF files
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-c, --two-columns For two-columns pdf, parse colums from left to right
-q QUALITY, --quality QUALITY
Quality of extracted images, default=2 higher values
for higher quality
For Windows users, you can download executables in releases. On the command line (cmd.exe):
biff_v2.0.exe my_highlighted.pdf
The output odt file will be placed in the same directory as the pdf.
- On reMarkable, use the Highlighter. All the other tools will not (and should not) be detected by biff.
- Make sure to cover all the text you want to extract. Partly covered text will not be extracted.
- For figures, just draw a rectangle shape around it. The interior will be cropped and added as an image to the output odt.
- Formulas will not be extracted as such, but you can export them as images (see example below).
- The quality of the result will depend on the pdf quality. Automatically generated pdf from scans will give poor results.
- Export the PDF using the reMarkable USB web interface (for example) and
./biff.py your_pdf.pdf
Enjoy and please send some feedback.