A library that supports MCPE Websocket Protocol.
const { WSServer } = require("mcpews");
const server = new WSServer(19134); // port
server.on("client", session => {
// someone type "/connect <ip address>:19134" in the game console
// execute a command
session.sendCommand("say Connected!");
// execute a command and receive the response
session.sendCommand("list", res => {
console.log("currentPlayerCount = " + res.currentPlayerCount);
// subscribe a event
session.subscribe("PlayerMessage", event => {
// when event triggered
const { properties } = event;
if (properties.Message == "close") {
// disconnect from the game
} else if (properties.MessageType == "chat") {
session.sendCommand("say You just said " + properties.Message);
// enable encrypted connection
const { WSClient } = require("mcpews");
const client = new WSClient("ws://"); // address
process.stdin.on("data", buffer => {
// trigger a event (will be ignored if not subscribed)
client.emitEvent("input", {
data: buffer.toString()
client.on("command", (requestId, commandLine) => {
// pass encryption handshake to client itself
if (client.handleEncryptionHandshake(requestId, commandLine)) return;
// command received
console.log("command: " + commandLine);
// respond the command, must called after handling
client.respondCommand(requestId, {
length: commandLine.length
mcpews [<custom port>]
mcpewsmitm <destination address> [<listen port>]