.. pigweed-module:: :name: pw_async
Pigweed's async module provides portable APIs and utilities for writing asynchronous code. Currently, it provides:
- Message loop APIs
This module is still under construction. The API is not yet stable.
Dispatcher is an API for a message loop that schedules and executes Tasks. See :bdg-ref-primary-line:`module-pw_async_basic` for an example implementation.
Dispatcher is a pure virtual interface that is implemented by backends and FakeDispatcher. A virtual interface is used instead of a facade to allow substituting a FakeDispatcher for a Dispatcher backend in tests.
.. doxygenclass:: pw::async::Dispatcher :members:
.. doxygenstruct:: pw::async::Context :members:
.. doxygentypedef:: pw::async::TaskFunction
.. doxygenclass:: pw::async::Task :members:
The Task
type represents a work item that can be submitted to and executed
by a Dispatcher
To run work on a Dispatcher
event loop, a Task
can be constructed from
a function or lambda (see pw::async::TaskFunction
) and submitted to run
using the pw::async::Dispatcher::Post
method (and its siblings, PostAt
The Task
facade enables backends to provide custom storage containers for
s, as well as to keep per- Task
data alongside the TaskFunction
(such as next
pointers for intrusive linked-lists of Task
The active Task backend is configured with the GN variable
. The specified target must define a class
in the header pw_async_backend/task.h
that meets the interface requirements in public/pw_async/task.h
. Task will
then trivially wrap NativeTask
The bazel build provides the pw_async_task_backend
label flag to configure
the active Task backend.
The FakeDispatcher facade is a utility for simulating a real Dispatcher in tests. FakeDispatcher simulates time to allow for reliable, fast testing of code that uses Dispatcher. FakeDispatcher is a facade instead of a concrete implementation because it depends on Task state for processing tasks, which varies across Task backends.
The active FakeDispatcher backend is configured with the GN variable
. The specified target must define a class
in the header
that meets the interface requirements in
. FakeDispatcher will then trivially wrap
The bazel build provides the pw_async_fake_dispatcher_backend
label flag to
configure the FakeDispatcher backend.
The GN template fake_dispatcher_tests
in fake_dispatcher_tests.gni
creates a test target that tests a FakeDispatcher backend. This enables
one test suite to be shared across FakeDispatcher backends and ensures
.. doxygenclass:: pw::async::FunctionDispatcher :members:
.. doxygenclass:: pw::async::HeapDispatcher :members:
Tasks are owned by clients rather than the Dispatcher. This avoids either memory allocation or queue size limits in Dispatcher implementations. However, care must be taken that clients do not destroy Tasks before they have been executed or canceled.
First, configure the Task backend for the Dispatcher backend you will be using:
pw_async_TASK_BACKEND = "$dir_pw_async_basic:task"
Next, create an executable target that depends on the Dispatcher backend you want to use:
pw_executable("hello_world") { sources = [ "main.cc" ] deps = [ "$dir_pw_async_basic:dispatcher" ] }
Next, instantiate the Dispatcher and post a task:
#include "pw_async_basic/dispatcher.h"
int main() {
BasicDispatcher dispatcher;
// Spawn a thread for the dispatcher to run on.
thread::Thread work_thread(thread::stl::Options(), dispatcher);
Task task([](pw::async::Context& ctx){
printf("hello world\n");
// Execute `task` in 5 seconds.
dispatcher.PostAfter(task, 5s);
// Blocks until `task` runs.
return 0;
The above example runs the dispatcher on a new thread, but it can also run on the current/main thread:
#include "pw_async_basic/dispatcher.h"
int main() {
BasicDispatcher dispatcher;
Task task([](pw::async::Context& ctx){
printf("hello world\n");
// Execute `task` in 5 seconds.
dispatcher.PostAfter(task, 5s);
return 0;
To test async code, FakeDispatcher should be dependency injected in place of
Dispatcher. Then, time should be driven in unit tests using the Run*()
methods. For convenience, you can use the test fixture
.. doxygenclass:: pw::async::test::FakeDispatcherFixture :members:
will return the simulated time.
should therefore be used to get the current time in
async code instead of other sources of time to ensure consistent time values
and reliable tests.
- Stabilize Task cancellation API
- Utility for dynamically allocated Tasks
- CMake support
- Support for C++20 coroutines
.. toctree:: :hidden: :maxdepth: 1 Backends <backends>