GRequests allows you to use Requests with Gevent to make asynchronous HTTP Requests easily.
Usage is simple:
import grequests
urls = [
Create a set of unsent Requests:
>>> rs = (grequests.get(u) for u in urls)
Send them all at the same time:
[<Response [200]>, <Response [200]>, <Response [200]>, <Response [200]>, None, <Response [200]>]
Optionally, in the event of a timeout or any other exception during the connection of the request, you can add an exception handler that will be called with the request and exception inside the main thread:
>>> def exception_handler(request, exception):
... print "Request failed"
>>> reqs = [
... grequests.get('', timeout=0.001),
... grequests.get('http://fakedomain/'),
... grequests.get('')]
>>>, exception_handler=exception_handler)
Request failed
Request failed
[None, None, <Response [500]>]
Installation is easy with pip:
$ pip install grequests