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Terraform Open Data Cube EKS Module: odc_eks

Terraform module designed to provision an Open Data Cube EKS cluster on AWS.






Fluxctl -(optional)


The module provisions the following resources:

  • Creates AWS EKS cluster in a VPC with subnets
  • (Optionally) Creates VPC resources using terraform-aws-vpc module with the default configuration and internet facing resources, or
  • (Optionally) Use a supplied VPC and subnets configured and tagged as required by AWS EKS - see VPC considerations and the requirements on subnet tagging for the Application load balancing on Amazon EKS

Module Extensions(Optional Components)

  • Setup a AWS CloudFront Distribution to support Open Data Cube web services
  • Setup AWS WAF for web application security for web application.
  • Issue a domain certificate using AWS Certificate Manager. It uses Route53 to validate certificate.

WAF Important Consideration

  • If you are using WAF for jupyterhub setup, make sure to enable waf_enable_url_whitelist_string_match_set - string match filter for allow users to compose and save jupyterhub notebooks that contains rich HTML contents.
  • Pass additional settings to support WAF for jupyterhub -
waf_enable_url_whitelist_string_match_set = true
waf_url_whitelist_uri_prefix              = "/user"
waf_url_whitelist_url_host                = ""


The complete Open Data Cube terraform AWS example is provided for kick-start here. Copy the example to create your own live repo to set up ODC infrastructure to run jupyterhub notebooks and ODC web services in your own AWS account.

module "odc_eks" {
  source = ""

  # Cluster config
  region          = "ap-southeast-2"
  cluster_id      = "odc-stage-cluster"   # optional - if not provided it uses odc_eks_label defined in the module.
  cluster_version = 1.14

  # Default tags + resource labels
  owner           = "odc-owner"
  namespace       = "odc"
  environment     = "stage"

  # Additional Tags
  tags = {
    "stack_name" = "odc-stage-cluster"
    "cost_code" = "CC1234"
    "project" = "ODC"

  domain_name = ""

  # ACM - used by ALB
  create_certificate  = true

  # System node instances
  default_worker_instance_type = "t3.medium"
  spot_nodes_enabled = true
  min_nodes = 2
  max_nodes = 4
  min_spot_nodes = 0
  max_spot_nodes = 4

  # Cloudfront CDN
  cf_enable                 = true
  cf_dns_record             = "odc"
  cf_origin_dns_record      = "cached-alb"
  cf_custom_aliases         = []
  cf_certificate_create     = true
  cf_origin_protocol_policy = "https-only"
  cf_log_bucket_create      = true
  cf_log_bucket             = "odc-stage-cloudfront-logs"

  # WAF
  waf_enable             = true
  waf_target_scope       = "regional"
  waf_log_bucket         = "odc-stage-waf-logs"
  # Additional setting required to set up URL whitelist string match filter
  # Recommended if WAF is enabled for `jupyterhub` setup
  waf_enable_url_whitelist_string_match_set = true
  waf_url_whitelist_uri_prefix              = "/user"
  waf_url_whitelist_url_host                =



Name Description Type Default Required
owner The owner of the environment string yes
namespace The unique namespace for the environment, which could be your organization name or abbreviation, e.g. 'odc' string yes
environment The name of the environment - e.g. dev, stage string yes
region The AWS region to provision resources string "ap-southeast-2" No
cluster_id The name of your cluster. Used for the resource naming as identifier string yes
cluster_version EKS Cluster version to use string Yes
admin_access_CIDRs Locks ssh and api access to these IPs map(string) {} No
user_custom_policy The IAM custom policy to create and attach to EKS user role string "" No
user_additional_policy_arn The list of pre-defined IAM policy required to EKS user role list(string) [] No
domain_name The domain name to be used by applications deployed to the cluster and using ingress string Yes
create_vpc Create a default VPC and subnet configuration bool true No
vpc_cidr The network CIDR you wish to use for the VPC module subnets. Default is set to for most use-cases. Requires create_vpc = true string "" No
public_subnet_cidrs List of public cidrs, for all available availability zones. Used by VPC module to set up public subnets. Requires create_vpc = true list(string) ["", "", ""] No
private_subnet_cidrs List of private cidrs, for all available availability zones. Used by VPC module to set up private subnets. Requires create_vpc = true list(string) ["", "", ""] No
database_subnet_cidrs List of database cidrs, for all available availability zones. Used by VPC module to set up database subnets. Requires create_vpc = true list(string) ["", "", ""] No
vpc_id Supplied VPC to use. Requires create_vpc = false string "" No
private_subnets Private subnet ids for supplied VPC. Requires create_vpc = false list(string) [] No
database_subnets Supplied VPC to use. Requires create_vpc = false list(string) [] No
public_route_table_ids List of public_route_table_ids for supplied VPC. Requires create_vpc = false string "" No
enable_s3_endpoint Whether to provision an S3 endpoint to the VPC. Default is set to 'true' bool true No
enable_ec2_ssm Enables the IAM policy required for AWS EC2 System Manager in the EKS Node IAM role created bool true No
ami_image_id This variable can be used to deploy a patched / customised version of the Amazon EKS image string "" No
node_group_name Autoscaling node group name. This name is used to tag instances and ASGs string "eks" No
default_worker_instance_type The Worker instance type that the cluster nodes will run, for production we recommend something with a good network capability, as most of the Open Data Cube work is I/O bound, For example r4.4xlarge or c5n.4xlarge string Yes
min_nodes The minimum number of on-demand nodes to run number 0 No
desired_nodes Desired number of nodes only used when first launching the cluster afterwards you should scale with something like cluster-autoscaler number 0 No
max_nodes Max number of nodes you want to run, useful for controlling max cost of the cluster number 0 No
spot_nodes_enabled Creates a second set of Autoscaling groups (one per AZ) that are configured to run Spot instances, these instances are cheaper but can be removed any-time. Useful for fault tolerant processing work bool false No
min_spot_nodes The minimum number of spot nodes to run bool 0 No
max_spot_nodes Max number of spot you want to run, useful for controlling max cost of the cluster number 0 No
max_spot_price The max in USD you want to pay for each spot instance per hour. Check market price for your instance type to set its value string "0.40" No
volume_size The Disk size for your on-demand nodes. If you're getting pods evicted for ephemeral storage saving, you should increase this. number 20 No
volume_type Override EBS volume type for your root ebs volume e.g. gp2, gp3. If not provided, defaults to GP2 in all regions. string "" No
spot_volume_size The Disk size for your spot nodes. If you're getting pods evicted for ephemeral storage saving, you should increase this. number 20 No
extra_kubelet_args Additional kubelet command-line arguments string "--arg1=value --arg2" No
extra_userdata Additional EC2 user data commands that will be passed to EKS nodes string <<USERDATA echo "" USERDATA No
tags Additional tags - e.g. map('StackName','XYZ') map(string) {} no


Name Description Sensitive
kubeconfig EKS Cluster kubeconfig true
cluster_id EKS cluster ID false
cluster_arn EKS cluster ARN false
region AWS region used by for environment setup false
domain_name The domain name to be used by applications deployed to the cluster and using ingress false
owner The owner of the environment false
namespace The unique namespace for the environment false
environment The name of the environment false
node_role_arn IAM role ARN for EKS work node group false
node_security_group security group for EKS work node group false
ami_image_id AMI ID used for worker EC2 instances false
certificate_arn Certificate ARN false
public_route_table_ids Public subnet route tables false

Input - Extensions

CloudFront Distribution

Name Description Type Default Required
cf_enable Whether the cloudfront distribution should be created bool false No
cf_dns_record The domain used by point to cloudfront string "" No
cf_origin_dns_record The domain of load balancer that will be created by kubernetes string "" No
cf_custom_aliases Extra CNAMEs (alternate domain names), if any, for this distribution list(string) [] No
cf_certificate_create Whether to create a certificate for cloudfront distribution bool true No
cf_certificate_arn Provide your own us-east-1 certificate ARN when setting additional aliases. Needed when cf_certificate_create set to false string "" No
cf_log_bucket_create Whether to create cloudfront log bucket bool false No
cf_log_bucket Name of your cloudfront log bucket string "" No
cf_origin_protocol_policy Which protocol is used to connect to origin, http-only, https-only, match-viewer string "http-only" No
cf_origin_timeout The time cloudfront will wait for a response number 60 No
cf_default_allowed_methods Controls which HTTP methods CloudFront processes and forwards to your Amazon S3 bucket or your custom origin list(string) ["GET", "HEAD", "POST", "OPTIONS", "PUT", "PATCH", "DELETE"] No
cf_default_cached_methods Controls whether CloudFront caches the response to requests using the specified HTTP methods list(string) ["GET", "HEAD"] No
cf_default_forwarded_headers Sets what headers are forwarded to the backend application list(string) ["Host"] No
cf_min_ttl The minimum amount of time that you want objects to stay in CloudFront caches before CloudFront queries your origin to see whether the object has been updated bool 0 No
cf_max_ttl The maximum amount of time (in seconds) that an object is in a CloudFront cache before CloudFront forwards another request to your origin to determine whether the object has been updated number 31536000 No
cf_default_ttl The default amount of time (in seconds) that an object is in a CloudFront cache before CloudFront forwards another request in the absence of an Cache-Control max-age or Expires header number 86400 No
cf_price_class The Price class for this distribution, can be PriceClass_100, PriceClass_200 or PriceClass_All string "PriceClass_All" No


Name Description Type Default Required
waf_enable Whether the WAF resources should be created bool false No
waf_target_scope Valid values are global and regional. This variable value should be set to regional if integrate with ALBs string "regional" No
waf_log_bucket_create Whether to create WAF log bucket bool false No
waf_log_bucket The name of the bucket to store WAF logs in string "" No
waf_max_expected_body_size Maximum number of bytes allowed in the body of the request string "536870912" No
waf_firehose_buffer_size Buffer incoming data to the specified size, in MBs, before delivering it to the destination. Valid value is between 64-128 string "128" No
waf_firehose_buffer_interval Buffer incoming data for the specified period of time, in seconds, before delivering it to the destination. Valid value is between 60-900 string "900" No
waf_disable_03_uri_url_decode Disable the 'URI contains a cross-site scripting threat after decoding as URL.' filter bool false No
waf_disable_03_uri_html_decode Disable the 'URI contains a cross-site scripting threat after decoding as HTML tags.' filter bool false No
waf_disable_03_query_string_url_decode Disable the 'Query string contains a cross-site scripting threat after decoding as URL.' filter bool false No
waf_disable_03_query_string_html_decode Disable the 'Query string contains a cross-site scripting threat after decoding as HTML tags.' filter bool false No
waf_disable_03_body_url_decode Disable the 'Body contains a cross-site scripting threat after decoding as URL.' filter bool false No
waf_disable_03_body_html_decode Disable the 'Body contains a cross-site scripting threat after decoding as HTML tags.' filter bool false No
waf_disable_03_cookie_url_decode Disable the 'Header cookie contains a cross-site scripting threat after decoding as URL.' filter bool false No
waf_disable_03_cookie_html_decode Disable the 'Header 'cookie' contains a cross-site scripting threat after decoding as HTML tags.' filter bool false No
waf_disable_04_uri_contains_previous_dir_after_url_decode Disable the 'URI contains: '../' after decoding as URL.' filter bool false No
waf_disable_04_uri_contains_previous_dir_after_html_decode Disable the 'URI contains: '../' after decoding as HTML tags.' filter bool false No
waf_disable_04_query_string_contains_previous_dir_after_url_decode Disable the 'Query string contains: '../' after decoding as URL.' filter bool false No
waf_disable_04_query_string_contains_previous_dir_after_html_decode Disable the 'Query string contains: '../' after decoding as HTML tags.' filter bool false No
waf_disable_04_uri_contains_url_path_after_url_decode Disable the 'URI contains: '://' after decoding as URL.' filter bool false No
waf_disable_04_uri_contains_url_path_after_html_decode Disable the 'URI contains: '://' after decoding as HTML tags.' filter bool false No
waf_disable_04_query_string_contains_url_path_after_url_decode Disable the 'Query string contains: '://' after decoding as URL.' filter bool false No
waf_disable_04_query_string_contains_url_path_after_html_decode Disable the 'Query string contains: '://' after decoding as HTML tags.' filter bool false No
waf_enable_url_whitelist_string_match_set Enable the 'URL whitelisting' filter. If enabled, provide values for url_whitelist_uri_prefix and url_whitelist_url_host bool false No
waf_url_whitelist_uri_prefix URI prefix for URL whitelisting. Required if enable_url_whitelist_string_match_set is set to true string "" Yes
waf_url_whitelist_url_host Host for URL whitelisting. Required if enable_url_whitelist_string_match_set is set to true string "" Yes


Name Description Type Default Required
create_certificate Whether to create wildcard certificate for given domain bool false No