This repository contains the code to convert English Digital Documents(pdf) into Hindi.
1. Python 3.7
2. pip 19.0.3
3. OS : ubuntu18.** , ununtu16.**
Installing Dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt sudo apt-get install tesseract-ocr sudo apt install libtesseract-dev sudo apt-get install libleptonica-dev sudo apt-get install -y poppler-utils
Please feel free to refer to tesseract installation page for any help in installation .
Model Download:
Download model from here and copy inside the ./model folder . Update the model path in src/ file, if having some different model name.
Start Server (will start a server on port 5001)
python src/
Example Run
a. English - Hindi
Input Upload(English) Hindi Output
Note: Having too many pages in the pdf might take a bit of time for the API to return the results. On successfull processing, a text file with the converted hindi text will be generated.
- Updating Web UI to allow the user to translate an image format documents, and also the functionality to allow the conversion of a particular page of pdf.
- Support for Other Languages.