some history
- Xenakis / Stockhousen / etc.
- Max Mathews (Bell Labs) / Music-N
- Csound
- Max / PD
- PD
- ChucK
- SuperCollider
- Overtone
UGens (Unit Generators) / opcodes
- typically written in C or C++
type system
- what I had before
- common fields
- subtyping
- live coding
- meta-ex - "Our sound isn't hardcore, breakcore or speedcore - it's multi-core and fully hyper-threaded."
- electronic music
- DSP research
- game audio (sound engine)
- live coding
some current nodes
- SinOsc
- Gain
File IO
- reading
- writing
operator overloading
- +, *
main methods
- play
- stop
- af_open
- Garbage Collection!
Future Work
- More Nodes! (bandlimited oscillators, filters, etc.)
- lower latency
- multi-channel
- easier install (port shim.c to pure julia)
- music thoeory library (notes, chords, intervals)
- sequencing abstractions
- better error handling (audio task shouldn't crash)
- common utility functions (table lookup, interpolation)
optimization lessons
- mathconsts allocate!
- watch out for type conversions
- really watch out for globals
- @allocated gives different results than @time?