This is a basic auth service, consisting of:
- login.html: A simple login form which doubles as a sign up form, password reset form, change password form.
- name, email, password
- also need username, display name
- username and email must be unique
- username and display name are not secret
- The auth service using FastAPI
- Stores bcrypt password hashes in an .htpasswd file
- Also adds users to the system in the /etc/passwd / /etc/shadow files, with shell /usr/sbin/nologin initially
- They have a homedir /home/$username
- User info and settings can be stored under the homedir, in private and public files
Save cookies for auth, need a cookie for each subdomain.
TODO Refresh tokens?
Refresh tokens are more secure because:
- Access tokens are sent with every request and are more exposed to potential theft
- If an access token is stolen, it gives limited time window for abuse
- Refresh tokens are only sent once to get new access tokens, and can be blacklisted/revoked if compromised
Short-lived access tokens + long-lived refresh tokens = better security with good user experience.
Store both tokens as http-only cookies but:
- Access token with short expiry (15min)
- Refresh token with longer expiry (7days) and path restricted to only the refresh endpoint (/api/refresh)
This way refresh token is only sent when needed, not with every request.
Set cookie path like this:
res.cookie('refreshToken', token, {
httpOnly: true,
path: '/api/refresh'