Export spine skeleton to PNG/MP4.
$ java -jar skeletonexporter.jar \
-i /path/to/spine/skeleton.json \
# input spin skeleton json file or directory
-d /path/to/output/directory \
# output directory
-o '%2$04d_%3$02d_%1$s.mp4' \
# output file pattern
# %1$s is input filename without '.json', string
# %2$04d is skeleton index, integer
# %3$02d is animation index, integer
# see https://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/util/Formatter.html for reference
--ffmpeg /path/to/ffmpeg \
# path to the ffmpeg binary
-c:v libx264 -crf 22 -pix_fmt yuv420p
# ffmpeg output options, default values shown here
The method
public static ViewportMethod computeViewport(Skeleton skeleton, float[] whxy)
in io.github.ssz66666.skeletonexporter.SkeletonOutputRenderer
includes several methods for correctly zooming and positioning the camera for each skeleton:
- hard-coded width/height/x/y for specific skeletons
- positioning using the background image slot
- positioning using AABB(axis-aligned bounding box)
Try to find the name of the background image slot (usually "BG" or "bg") and use method 2. Some skeletons use non-standard name like 'haikei', which stands for '背景', 'background' in Japanese.
If method 2 doesn't work see if the fallback method 3 produces a satisfactory result.
If not you need to hard-code the width/height/x/y for your skeleton.
$ ./gradlew desktop:dist
$ .\gradlew.bat desktop:dist
generated jar is at $PROJECT_DIR/desktop/build/libs/desktop-1.0.jar