An Android installer for SedMob, the FOSS mobile application for field geological and sedimentological core logging
SedMob is an open-source, mobile software package for creating sedimentary logs, targeted for use in tablets and smartphones. The user can create an unlimited number of logs, save data from each bed in the log as well as export and synchronize the data with a remote server. SedMob is designed as a mobile interface to SedLog: a free multiplatform package for drawing graphic logs that runs on PC computers. Data entered into SedMob are saved in the CSV file format, fully compatible with SedLog.
SedLog can be found here:
I've created a quick and dirty .apk for testing if this still works as a good free and open source data collection tool for fieldwork. Comments and help are welcome. The original repo by Pawel Wolniewicz is generally contained within the www folder. The .apk can be found on the release page here:
Right now the interface is installable and mostly navigable, but it is incapable of data entry and functionality. .gitignores have been disabled for this initial development.
The hope is to get functionality working and then build it out for sediment core logging. Feel free to add to the lists below.
- Contacted author.
- Rebuild with older version of Gradle (fingers crossed).
- Investigate CSS/prettify UI.
- Create default menu options for default sedimentological recording, bonus for including Tröels-Smith (1955).
- Ensure local saving works correctly.
- Sign release.
- Create simple navigation buttons.
- Fix for default android commands.
- Colour Recording menu.
- More menus on core information, e.g. client etc.
- Hopefully a module could be added for export for RockWorks.
- Gallery options.
- Other export options e.g. to Dropbox, email, etc.
- Figure out server linking.
- SedLog style previews?
- Create splash page.
- More accessible navigation UI.
For more information please refer to: Wolniewicz, Pawel. (2014). SedMob: A mobile application for creating sedimentary logs in the field. Computers & Geosciences. 66. 10.1016/j.cageo.2014.02.004.