Beat Saber
A simple mod that adds a button which takes you to the results screen.
BeatSaber plugin, adds much needed functionality to the song selection interface.
A Beat Saber mod to customize the grip position/angle of the sabers, trail appearance and saber length/width.
A mod to upload additional data to Beat Savior.
Search and download songs in Beat Saber with a lot of filtering and sorting options
Download playlists from BeatSaver, Hitbloq and AccSaber ingame!
Plugin for Beat Saber to control playback speed
A powerful utility mod which expands the capabilities and provides more tools to Beat Saber modders.
A .NET library to interface with
📷 A modern, cross-platform, 2D Graphics library for .NET
A library which provides access to the ScoreSaber and BeatSaver information of all Songs using a cached local database
A library for reading and writing Beat Saber playlists.
A feature-rich command-line audio/video downloader
A Beat Saber plugin for PC that allows you to sync up videos to play in the background of your maps.
A PC port of im-henri's QonsistentSaberColors for Quest, which allows your menu pointers to be the same color as your in-game sabers!
Playlist loading and organization mod for Beat Saber.
Alerts you of updates to maps and updates them to the latest version.
Simple mod to automatically disable ASW and change services/runtime priority
A combination of widely-used counters, all configurable in one Beat Saber mod.
A Beat Saber custom counter that displays your heart rate in game.
An all-in-one tool that lets you easly manage BeatSaber versions, maps, mods, and even more.