SEC Filings
Building a financial reporting SQLite database from the SEC's EDGAR XBRL filings
Parses 20+ key accounting terms from SEC XBRL filings
Some tools for parsing Form 13F filings with the SEC
This repo contains code for a web application that allows users to view SEC Filing data.
Find XBRL filings on the SEC's Edgar and extract accounting metrics.
Python scraper for 10-K filings on SEC website
A simple python library that allows for easy access of the SEC website so that someone can parse filings, collect data, and query documents.
In this project, my team and I use Google's new BERT model to predict the S&P 500 using SEC 8-K filings
Predictions of SEC Indictments based on Filings Types, Corporate Info
Python Web scraper for parsing 13F filings (mutual fund holdings) from SEC website
Tool for the U.S. SEC EDGAR Retrieval and Parsing of Corporate Filings