Some basic algorithm used in Radar data process, including pulse compression/CFAR/monopulse、Kalman filter and fusion、arrary antenna design.
利用MATLAB GUI设计平台,设计多算法雷达一维恒虚警检测CFAR可视化界面,通过选择噪声类型、目标类型、算法类型,手动输入相关参数,可视化显示噪声波形与目标检测的回波-检测门限波形图。
Configures the FMCW waveform based on the system requirements. Then defines the range and velocity of a target and simulates its displacement. For the same simulation loop process, the transmit and…
Implements RANSAC plane-fitting, KD-tree and Euclidean clustering without PCL built-in functions
An Unscented Kalman Filter is implemented to estimate the state of multiple cars on a highway using noisy lidar and radar measurements.
FMCW mmWave Radar -- people counting: simulation & algorithm
A Kalman Kilter is used to estimate the state of a moving object of interest with noisy lidar and radar measurements. RMSE values are lower than a specified tolerance.
Measurements from LiDAR and camera of tracked vehicles are fused over time. Real-world data from the Waymo Open Dataset is used to detect objects in 3D point clouds and apply an extended Kalman fil…