π« Aviation
Merging FlarmNet, OGN and WeGlide live tracking data into a single FlarmNet file
The official repository for the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model
Dynamic replanning of sailplane trajectories for autonomous thermal soaring
The Flight Indicators Plugin allows you to display high quality flight indicators using html, css3, React and SVG vector images
openScope Air Traffic Control Simulator
Scraper for aviation accident data from (1) the Aviation Safety Network database and (2) the Plane Crash Info database
RASPViewer for Dutch RASP BLIPMAPS soaring weather model predictions
3D visualization of air traffic through RTL-SDR (dump1090) and MATLAB
A quick and dirty wrapper around the XCSoar python library used for flight analysis. Upload your IGC file and get a json blob with some performance statistics back.
Tool to convert airspace files between different formats: OpenAir, openAIP, KML/KMZ, Polish and Garmin
XCSoar flight analysis tools for Python
A powerful .NET library for reading and writing GRIB 1 and 2 files
Telegram bot for METAR and TAF weather update subscriptions for pilots
METAR weather observation decoder written in C#.
π A GeoJSON based service to query SRTM elevation for points/lines.
The Flight Indicators Plugin allows you to display high quality flight indicators using html, css3, jQuery and SVG vector images
This repo contains all the code for building a HoloLens HoloATC like app
Read the Data (XML) file (*.aip) From www.openaip.net
Prepare Aeronav charts (sectional, IFR low/high, WAC, TAC, heli etc) for use as a seamless mosaic of mbtiles