Formalizations of strong normalization proofs
Like fork() but teleports the forked process to a different computer!
Systems language with linear types and capability-based security.
A library for deadlock-free session-typed communication in Rust.
They see me rollin'. They're Heyting. -- Chamillionaire, 2005
a linear logic prover based on Naoyuki Tamura's llprover that works under SWI Prolog
Artefact from the POPL'16 paper "Effects as Sessions, Sessions as Effects"
LINear LaNGuage: Type Theory and Process Calculi for Distributed and High-precision programming
Ko: A generic type-safe language for concurrent, stateful, deadlock-free systems and protocol manipulations
A library and case-study for linear, intrinsically-typed interpreters in Agda
James Bound, a depth-bounded π-calculus playground
Simple proof assistant for classical and intuitionistic G3-style sequent calculi
Automated theorem prover for a linear logic-based calculus for molecular biology.
An implementation of the language detailed in the Gay and Vasconcelos paper - "Linear type theory for asynchronous session types"
An interpreter for a pi-calculus based programming language written in scala
Lollimon, a monadic concurrent linear logic programming language