Collection of TypeScript type challenges with online judge
Immutable DataTable implementation in Java
🍍 Intuitive, type safe, light and flexible Store for Vue using the composition api with DevTools support
DivKit is an open source Server-Driven UI (SDUI) framework. SDUI is a an emerging technique that leverage the server to build the user interfaces of their mobile app
A sandboxed JavaScript interpreter in JavaScript.
AI's query engine - Platform for building AI that can learn and answer questions over federated data.
Generate, compile and run .java source dynamically at runtime
Utility class to compile java source code in memory
Feakin 是一个架构设计与可视化协作工具。Feakin is a architecture design and visual collaboration tool.
Free database schema discovery and comprehension tool
OWL: A web framework for structured, dynamic and maintainable applications
📦 🚀 Blazing fast, simple and complete solution for micro frontends.
Lightweight, fast, Java-centric Lua interpreter written for JME and JSE, with string, table, package, math, io, os, debug, coroutine & luajava libraries, JSR-223 bindings, all metatags, weak tables…
JSqlParser parses an SQL statement and translate it into a hierarchy of Java classes. The generated hierarchy can be navigated using the Visitor Pattern
Java Library supporting Named Parameters (e.g. :Customer_Id ) in Queries or DML/DDL statements.
Java SQL Formatter, Beautifier and Pretty Printer
a visual programming language inspired by Scratch
The web-based visual programming editor.
Ontop is a platform to query relational databases as Virtual RDF Knowledge Graphs using SPARQL
PRQL is a modern language for transforming data — a simple, powerful, pipelined SQL replacement
The Dagre layout for DAGs and trees for Cytoscape.js
Py4J enables Python programs to dynamically access arbitrary Java objects