P(R*_{3, 0, 1}) specialized SIMD Geometric Algebra Library
Epoxy is a library for handling OpenGL function pointer management for you
Anvil is a cross-platform framework for Vulkan
A testing framework for automatically finding and simplifying bugs in graphics shader compilers.
Clspv is a compiler for OpenCL C to Vulkan compute shaders
Generic system-wide modern C++ for heterogeneous platforms with SYCL from Khronos Group
Descent (1995) by Parallax Software Corp.
Valve’s VR renderer used in The Lab (Valve’s VR launch title for the HTC Vive).
Noise-C, a plain C implementation of the Noise protocol
📦 Any dimensional box intersection
Compute the Voronoi diagram of a set of two-dimensional points.
Polylidar3D - Fast polygon extraction from 3D Data
Archived implementation of BLAS using the SYCL open standard. See oneMath for a replacement.
Cross-platform (but Unix oriented) tools for modding Klei Entertainment's game Don't Starve.
portDNN is a library implementing neural network algorithms written using SYCL
Gimp-GEGL is the first official OpenCL Porting Project of
Thicket: Laubwerk Plants Add-on for Blender
A framework and library for mod development under Klei Entertainment's Don't Starve.