- Pro
These exercises were created for our Advanced Solidity Bootcamp and open sourced. Learn EVM bytecode with the Huff Language.
A library of modern, hyper-optimized, and extensible Huff contracts with extensive testing and documentation built by Huff maintainers.
A visual studio code extension that automatically generate the stack comments for Huff.
GitHub action that installs huffc
A mostly mostly reasonable approach to Huff styling.
Solidity By Example rewritten in Huff, the most based low-level EVM language.
Foundry Repository Template that supports writing contracts in Huff using the foundry-huff library.
Console.log utility for debugging huff contracts
UniswapX SwapRouter02 Executor Filler Written in Huff Language
A rewrite of Optimism's MIPS.sol thread context in Huff
Create breakpoints for use with Foundry debugger -- https://book.getfoundry.sh/cheatcodes/breakpoint
Huffidity, but let's you jump back to Solidity runtime execution from Huff runtime execution.
Using Dynamic Huffidity to embed MiMCSponge Hash bytecode by tornado cash to a solidity contract.
The goal of this project is to automatically generate stack comments for huff macros
The most gas optimized ERC-4337 account - written in Huff
A collection of commonly used, vigorously tested Huff contracts for learning purposes.
A Foundry Library for compiling, debugging, and working with Huff contracts in Solidity.
A low-level assembly language for the Ethereum Virtual Machine built in blazing-fast pure rust.
A vscode extension that copies huff's code stack comment and paste in the next line, making it easy for Huffooors to write opcodes w/o worrying about copying prev stack comment.
2nd place at Huffathon 2023. Optimized token mixer for Ethereum utilizing zkSNARKs. 500% cheaper than Tornado cash