A definition of the culture around how decisions are made about Solid and a record of how this has changed over time
Github repository for the Solid Authorization Panel
Solid server on top of the file-system in NodeJS
A client library for authenticating with Solid
A JavaScript DSL for querying Linked Data on the Web
⚙️ Generate Components.js component files from TypeScript
Repository for the Solid Data Interoperability Panel
GitHub repository for the Solid Authentication Panel
Backend for a Solid Authorization Agent implementation
A plugin to make Nextcloud compatible with Solid
Solid-compatible data mashup library and Data Browser
a client-side API which supports any backend for Solid requests
Tool for generating and publishing programming-language-specific libraries (i.e., artifacts) that bundle together source-code classes to represent individual RDF vocabularies, where each class cont…
Swift-based authentication for a Solid Pod
A Web-based tool for performing simple RDF operations
Incentivizing Decentralized Application Development within Solid through Web Monetization
An open and modular implementation of the Solid specifications