[RA-L 2022] RGB-D Inertial Odometry for a Resource-restricted Robot in Dynamic Environments
VINS-RGBD-FAST is a SLAM system based on VINS-RGBD. We do some refinements to accelerate the system's performance in resource-constrained embedded platforms, like HUAWEI Atlas 200DK, Raspberry Pi.
3D reconstruction with L515, VINS-RGBD and voxblox
VINS-Fusion's non-ROS version (GPU version)
This is a specific verision of VINS-Fusion that supports RGB-D sensors. 一种可支持RGB-D传感器的VINS-Fusion算法。
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A Robust, Real-time, INS-Centric GNSS-Visual-Inertial Navigation System
This repository is a version of VINS-Fusion with gpu acceleration. It can run on the Nvidia TX2 in realtime
An optimization-based multi-sensor state estimator
A Robust and Versatile Monocular Visual-Inertial State Estimator
VINS-Fusion, VINS-Fisheye, OpenVINS, EnVIO, ROVIO, S-MSCKF, ORB-SLAM2, NVIDIA Elbrus application of different sets of cameras and imu on different board including desktop and Jetson boards