notion like tailwindcss editor built with svelte
Typescript declaration generator for svelte with typescript
Internationalization library for Svelte
Date and time picker for Svelte
The main goal of svelte-datepicker is to create an inclusive component. Piece by piece.
A date picker built with Svelte.Simple and flexible, supporting functions such as single selection, multiple selection, disabling, and marking.
Keyboard-friendly, accessible and highly customizable multi-select component
A Svelte component wrapper around FullCalendar
Lottie Player component for Svelte
MapBox Map and Autocomplete components for Svelte (or Vanilla JS)
svelte-pdf provides a component for rendering PDF documents using PDF.js
An extensible form library for Svelte, Solid and React
A boilerplate for creating Figma plugins with Svelte
Authentication library for use with SvelteKit featuring built-in OAuth providers and zero restriction customization!
Dead simple command palette for svelte
Fully customizable Svelte component to enter tags
A Svelte store that persists to localStorage
🍞🥂 Buttery smooth toast notifications for Svelte
The awesome carousel component for Svelte 3 ⬅️ 🎨 ➡️
Skeleton is an adaptive design system powered by Tailwind CSS.
Svead 🍺, a component that allows you to set head meta information, canonical, title, Twitter and Facebook Open Graph tags, and data.