android ui
9 repositories
🎆 A well-designed local image and video selector for Android
🚀RxJava2 and RxJava3 external support. Android flexible picture selector, provides the support for theme of Zhihu and WeChat (灵活的Android图片选择器,提供了知乎和微信主题的支持).
Android自定义相册,实现了拍照、图片选择(单选/多选)、 裁剪(单/多裁剪)、旋转、ImageLoader无绑定任由开发者选择、功能可配置、主题样式可配置。GalleryFinal为你定制相册。
Android Floating Action button with menu
⭕️ CircleMenu is a simple, elegant UI menu with a circular layout and material design animations. Android UI library made by @Ramotion
An open source Android library that makes handling runtime permissions extremely easy.